Thanks for the chapter, Eight.
finally nailed it, this is truly the mone-san no majime sugiru tsukiaikata moment
And it's a rare thing: you could only find it in chapters 38 and 47--and, of course, you'd find things that should build up to such moments in the beginning.
This chapter exhibited one characteristic of Mone that I love: she
thinks. Even if her train of thought is in the wrong direction, she thinks--there's always a reason for what she's doing, even if it's wrong; if it is wrong, she herself can at least be brought around with reason. Emotion (the usual enthusiasm or, as shown in this chapter, displeasure) can turn that train of hers into a runaway one, sure, but it's still coming from knowledge and logic--just misapplied; when her course is corrected, you get something like this chapter. Your average JP character, male or female (and these days, ESPECIALLY male, when juxtaposed with females), tends to do to little more--if anything--than emote their way through life, especially when something critically important comes up. (For example, even when Mone wrecked Nobuyasu's Switch earlier on in a fit of embarrassment, she immediately realized that she'd screwed up. The average "righteously" indignant female JP character would do it, and that'd be the end; the male character would have to eat that loss and probably more nagging.)
Now that's a beautiful cover page--suitable for a chapter like this one.
Nobuyasu was right on the money on page 11. I think it would have been best if their first time was for them alone, not gossipping would-be voyeurs.
That aside, I love that the mangaka remembered how short Mone is--like when she was going
*pyon pyon* at the window. It's part of her charm.