Monster Kingdom

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@JustRyn ya i know how much effort goes into it, i also know that if you actually care about the quality of your work then you are willing to put in that extra time, i ALWAYS put in that extra time. I would rather people not translate at all frankly if they arent willing to put in the time to do quality... I would literally rather have half a loaf than none. Also mate they dont have to read my comments, but i DO have the right to express myself so feel free to go fuck yourself 😋 also in what way was my comment racist 😂
Sep 11, 2019
@banjomarx I never said you don't have the right to express yourself, I said it's rude, disrepectful, and appalling to straight up insult the translator instead of provide actual constructive feedback. I also never said YOUR comments, so maybe take the time to actually read what has been written before replying. I said the comments left here, referring to two people I had actually originally replied to, which actually had nothing to do with you. So instead of getting aggressive and swearing, maybe actually correctly read something.

edit: Also, that's totally fine if you ALWAYS do that, but the thing about people is that we're different, so naturally things that are done by different people are going to be different. Again, no one is forcing you to read it nor is anyone holding you hostage. If it's such a big deal for you to very easily fix a few grammatical errors in your head while reading, you're more than welcome to stop reading.
Aug 17, 2020
Seriously the scans aren’t even that bad they could’ve been way worse so it’s not hard to just read it differently in your head but common sense isn’t too common I guess
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@JustRyn and if the comments of people talking badly about shitty translations bother you that much you are more than welcome to stop reading the comments... you cant have it both ways, either people are allowed to complain or they arent...
Sep 11, 2019
@banjomarx There is a difference between complaining about the actual work and making it personal and being racist. If you don't see how they're entirely different and the latter being immature, bigoted, and appalling, maybe that's something you should reflect on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@JustRyn except i never did any of those things yet you called me out, maybe you should reflect on yourself a little bit more instead kek
Sep 11, 2019
@banjomarx actually, no, I didn't. As I had previously stated, my original comment had absolutely nothing to do with you. You replied on your own, and I responded to your replies. You inserted yourself into the situation. If you insert yourself into a situation, in defense of those who commented racist things might I add, then you should expect to be grouped together with those you are trying to defend.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
@JustRyn You seem to misunderstand something... Just because someone put effort into something doesn't mean the end result is something praiseworthy. If it's amazing, no matter how half assed it was done, it's amazing; but the same happens for terrible work and it's completely normal for someone to point it out
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
I can't understand how Mangadex users think at all. It's like... besides 10 and 1 star options there is nothing else. Absolutely stupid.
Mangadex administration should make extreme votes a paid option.

 Edit: Removed derogatory slur
Sep 11, 2019
@Bramia If you read all my comments, you'd realize that not once have I called this work amazing, and have instead deemed it simply adequate. It's quite easy to understand with only minor grammatical errors and as its translated by someone who's native language is not English, it's fairly decent. I also said it's completely fine for someone to comment on the actual work, my issue was with the people who were attacking the translator themselves and leaving racist comments. I misunderstood nothing, it's evident you are the one misunderstanding something.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
@JustRyn Seems like it's you who doesn't read not only ours, but your own comments correctly. Anyway, have fun convincing yourself you're right
Sep 11, 2019
@Bramia LMAO are you really trying to tell someone what they themselves have very clearly written? If you don't comprehend what is pretty straight forward and reiterated in nearly every comment I've written, I can't help you there. I don't need to convince myself of anything, it's pretty obvious you're the one who feels the need to.
Oct 19, 2019
Yeah no this is complete drivel. Infinitely better offerings in the otherword genre. No reason to read this over them.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Can someone tell me what is so bad about this shit? I just checked till chapter 14 and it doesn't look that bad. I mean, it's bad as any other generic manhua out there lol


May 26, 2020
I guess I could give this solid 5 since it actually uses a new variant of "death game" premise for story basis and the way how those vr glasses end up to next user is actually quite cool.. but protagonist who shouts 90% of the time, survives only thanks to impenetrable plot armor and lacks any defining characteristics besides blazing red hair and being dumb as a brick kinda kills it for me. I guess I could give it a chance to gain extra points by introducing more side characters but I just find protagonist too hard to digest.. 😖

I guess there are thighs and cleavage to hold attention atm.. Not much else.

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