Well it would would be quite amusing if the girls have recovered from their fever by the time she returns, making it that she was better off just spending time with her daughters instead of going off on a mission to find ingrediants.
So it's obvious the newbie is going to end up being either part of her party or her apprentice, though wouldn't be surprised if he ends up marrying her somewhere along the line.
I seriously hope the former husband is dead, because if he's the type of scumbag that threw out his wife and kids, out on the street with no money to live on, and being a aristotrac, then he deserves a death in the most painful way, and considering all things he is likely a piece of garbage that got married to her because of tradition, had a mistress on the side, and once his parents were dead he threw his wife out and moved his mistress in, (that's usually the case in these situation,) he probably accused his wife of adultry too. (That seems to be the common trope used.)