Mousou Timeline - Vol. 1 Ch. 9.3 - The Story Of A Girl Who Cares For Her Boyfriend

Feb 7, 2018
@Rheeve I m going through hundreds of resumes and CVs for my company, trust me, people lie on their resume a lot. How can you judge the merit of a person just by their resume? Ok than i go to the next step and call them up for an interview, most of the time they are not even up to the mark of what they say about themselves in their resume. Finding a right person for the job is like finding needle in a haystack. Getting recommendation is like having a magnet for us, we might find some metal scraps by it, but it makes way easier to look for the needle in that haystack.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Cronyism? Seriously?
The guy's got skill. His girlfriend admitted it, and that connection of his thinks so too. There's no cronyism here.

I mean, there's very little difference between sending your resumé to HR, or to some other guy who'll then forward it to HR if he thinks it's good.
The only difference is: if you're waiting for HR to write a job description, you're essentially competing against hundreds of other people trying to get the same job.

Obviously nobody's going to hire you if you stay shut in your room all day and nobody even knows you exist, no matter what kind of genius you are.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Cronyism? Seriously?
The guy's got skill.
He may have skill, but obviously it wasn't enough to get hired after a multitude of interviews.

Obviously nobody's going to hire you if you stay shut in your room all day and nobody even knows you exist, no matter what kind of genius you are.
That was never the point. The point is that he got in though connections. It's as simple as that. If he politely refused to be recommended and applied to the same place on his own it would be a different matter. For all you know he " took" the place of somebody more talented and more suited to the job, just because the HR would be biased after the recommendation.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
How can you judge the merit of a person just by their resume?
That's why work testing/ trainees are a better way of handling it. the Resume -> Interview method never tests merit, it tests the candidate's social competence and their skill in bullshitting.

As criver put it, He has skill just not enough so he has to rely on a recommendation to get a leg up. So yea, I'd call it Cronyism. Otherwise, if he was that skilled that then he would have had offers lined up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
For all you know he " took" the place of somebody more talented and more suited to the job, just because the HR would be biased after the recommendation.
For all we know, he may very well be that "somebody", but since his CV isn't quite what HR is looking for, he never got the job despite being the perfect fit for it.

Let me explain to you how these things work.

Most of the time, it's not HR that recruits people. It's the boss of whichever department needs new workers who does.

When I need more employees, I write a job description, and send it to HR. HR works their magic (newspaper, internet, whatever), and receives applications from potential new hires.
And since I've got more important things to do than reading CVs all day long, HR also filters and forwards me the resumé of any they think are worth my time.

The problem is: HR isn't me. They don't know what kind of people I need. All they know is what I wrote in the job description, and I can't be too technical about that.
If I ask for someone who's "good at writing code", HR has no idea what to do with that. They're not IT. It's my job to judge who is or isn't competent, not theirs.

So how do I stop HR from flooding me with a near-endless stream of applications, without them discarding too many good ones?
I define an easy-to-understand, easy-to-check standard, like: "needs a Masters degree in Visual Computing".

Does that means the people I'll get are any good? For all I know, they bought that degree with their parents' money, or the college they went to is so bad, even a chimpanzee could get a degree. And maybe their "10 years of experience" is of them repeating the same mistakes 10 years long.
Meanwhile, HR is discarding resumés from applicants, who are exactly who I'm looking for. Why? Because they don't have the degree I asked for, or because I forgot that measurable achievements are more important than the number of years you've been doing a job.

I've actually seen one such case: I needed a leader for my database team and got a recommendation for someone who knew nothing of IT, but had tremendous success leading plenty of other teams.
Since all the previous team leaders were such disappointments, I decided to give her a chance. It turns out you don't need to know SQL to lead a team of SQL specialists. Even without any knowledge of computers, she managed to tremendously improve the team's performance, efficiency, and even reputation within only 3 years. If I had my doubts before, I now knew she'd make it to the top. And she did.

At one point she told me her new boss had laid her off due to restructuring. I couldn't believe my ears. A woman like that deserves to lead her own department, and she's getting discharged? Meanwhile, there are plenty of idiots leading their own departments to ruin, who only got their position because they've been around for 40 years? She was obviously being a victim of politics, so I decided to recommend her to my own boss, who was looking for someone to lead Complaint Management. It took her 2 years to turn the company's worst department, into one of the best.

Now she answers directly to the CEO. If it were up to HR, that "foreigner woman with foreign diplomas we can't even decipher, who can't even speak our language properly" would've never made it beyond sales clerk. She made full use of her connections to get recommendations, and only made it this far because she's got the skills to back them up.

Is it fair? Maybe it is, and maybe not. But calling it "nepotism" or "cronyism" is simply ignorant.
The world isn't just black and white. There's good, and there's bad, and there's plenty in-between.

As criver put it, He has skill just not enough so he has to rely on a recommendation to get a leg up. So yea, I'd call it Cronyism.
Looks like we're obviously not talking about the same thing.
> partiality to cronies especially as evidenced in the appointment of political hangers-on to office without regard to their qualifications
> the practice of favoring one's close friends, especially in political appointments.

> the practice of appointing friends to high-level, esp political, posts regardless of their suitability

> 1840, "friendship," from crony + -ism. Meaning "appointment of friends to important positions, regardless of ability" is originally American English, from c.1950.

If he has skills, it's not happening "regardless of his ability", and "getting a leg up" is still far from "getting appointed".
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
Regardless of the term, it is still using connections to bypass the system. If he had the skill he'd be head hunted instead of using a recommendation to cheat his way into a better position and possibly getting hired.
Feb 7, 2018
@Rheeve even to hire an trainee/testing worker the company have to go through resumes and conduct an interview, none of the company will simply hire a random guy even for training. And most of the company has a probation period for a new employee, during this period their skills are tested and judged.
And you still seem skeptic after Nolonar's explanation, it's alright. Just try to keep an open mind about it. I feel your opinion might change once you experience the other side of the spectrum.

@Nolonar Thank you, that was exactly what I wanted to write in detail.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
If only you knew how rigged the system is and how many people out there will step on one another to get ahead these days, one guy getting recommended by a friend because his earnest efforts resulted in nothing despite his abilities is the least of your worries.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Ah. So it IS just for you.
After all, I'm not someone with someone important to me.

So lonely OTL
Nov 14, 2023
Ah my heart too sweet and wholesome.. when the happy person gets the sad look you know something is serious...So sweet to see Hayami, Misaki, Ayumi, And most importantly Kujirako gave good advice to Suzume and told her even though Suzume said it with good intention for boyfriend, her way of saying to boyfriend was a bit wrong. In our darkest days and saddest hour we indeed need to help and support of our loved ones, to show us the light in the darkness, to give us hope to look at the future. And Suzume understood and apologized to boyfriend and he apologized to her too, Voilla happy ending and even better Misaki's bf will give the boyfriend a job too, happy happy ending... loved the fact that all the characters in the same universe and know each other.
Nov 14, 2023
Looks like this is also the last chapter in a way as the next one is omake and the last one is Extras.
Wholesome and good read. Really loved how all the characters interconnected and know each other and in the same universe.
My favorite one would be Kanan and Shun's Otaku Guy and Non-Otaku Girl and then Ayumi and Takkun's Tanned Girl and A Quiet Guy and the third one would be this one, Suzume and her Boyfriend's The Story Of A Girlfriend Who Cares For Her Boyfriend.
Loved all the stories. Really cute and wholesome.
Thank you Kaze No Ko sensei and Translator team...

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