Mr. Devil Rejoiced When I Made Parfait

Mar 15, 2018
A part of me (the belly) wants to go to Japan just for the food and I honestly would love to try the giant parfaits.
Nov 28, 2019
Wowie, the art-style is so unique (At least, from my perspective) It's cute, I hope they continue translating.

Oct 8, 2019
lmao i was thinking the art was familiar and was extremely surprised to find out it's by the author of revenge classroom and metamorcode
definitely looking forward to this ^^
Apr 24, 2020
Should this also have the tag cooking? But oh so pretty, I wanna eat all the sweets, I look forwards to more, and I guess
she has a prosthetic horn cause hers broke and broken horns are seen as a bad thing? Ugly? Idk this may not be a spoiler but better safe then sorry?
according to the pictures. Thanks for the new manga!
Jun 5, 2020
Very mediocre.

The names are ridiculous. And of course, the FL will conquer the world with her pâtissier skills and make little cupcakes to warm up our frozen hearts. How cute, she can make a business out of a purely-feminine skill. Bravo, my little anticipated soufflé.

As for the art … Manga must be the only thing in this world that does not evolve, but devolves. I really do not know what is worse. The Japanese writing jarring webnovels about what they think European culture is and then making these horrible manga. Or the Koreans doing the same. Well, 1/10. And even that is generous.

Sep 11, 2019
@MrMcPoopers ...I think you need to chill, it's not that serious. It's fluffy manga set in a fantasy demon world, specifically designed to just warm people's hearts without putting too much thought or energy into reading. I honestly have zero idea why people get so upset about fantasy/isekai mangas honestly. It's literally fantasy, it's made up, make believe, doesn't have to exactly replicate a certain time period or culture, that's the entire point of it. I also don't understand why you think they're writing about what they think European culture is, because news flash they aren't. They're writing FANTASY. Again, made up, make believe, fiction, not real. They can literally do whatever they want in that world. Now if they actually stated, "hey, this is set in this specific time period, in this specific country, with this specific culture," then of course it's important to accurately represent it, but they aren't.

edit: especially confused about how you're getting so upset over a manga set in the fucking UNDERWORLD. The UNDERWORLD. One more time, THE UNDERWORLD. AND IT'S NAMED MAKAI...DO YOU KNOW WHAT MAKAI DIRECTLY TRANSLATES TO?? DEMON WORLD. It's a DEMON WORLD. And you wanna spout garbage about "European culture"?? Hate to burst your bubble, but demons, underworlds, demon worlds, etc. mythologies are not just limited to Europe. If any of it actually existed, pretty sure it'd be a weird mashup of cultures. And if you're basing it off of the fact that she's a pâtissière, hate to burst your bubble there, also not just specific to Europe.

edit 2: Sorry, got a little heated there, everything I said still applies though. I'm just sick of seeing those types of comments (and trust me there's a lot, on basically every isekai/fantasy) on manga/manhwa/manhua shitting on them for asinine reasons that are rooted in holier than thou and ignorant logic
May 11, 2020
@JustRyn yess totally agree with you. In the end it all come down to preferences you don’t get to tell people not to read something if I’m enjoying what you called ‘trashy’ story than so be it. As long as I enjoyed it. It is the same goes for you I will not tell you that your ‘amazing’ works of literature is horrible just because it is not my cup of tea.

So dear @mrmcpoopers Stay away from my cup of tea just like I will respect your cup of tea. We don’t share the same cup anyway why do you care what kind of tea I’m drinking. 🙃
Active member
Oct 27, 2019
I always wonder why the heck people who bash on works like these (ex. Isekai, reincarnation etc) even bother to read these types when it's so obvious it isn't what they're looking for I mean you can usually get the feel of the comic after reading the summary + cover art :/

BUT ANYWAY. This is exactly what I'm looking for haha a nice, fluffy, light story to distract myself from reality. Plus it's food related, which is a plus! Can't wait to see everyone discover the world of sweets.
Aggregator gang
Jun 11, 2020
@MrMcPoopers Alright calling some manga and manhwa terrible is something i can tolerate, cause it's true, there are many manga and manhwa that doesn't represent supposed medieval European culture well. but calling pâtissier skills purely feminine? pardon my french but fuck you. that is an extremely sexist comment that i can't ignore... let me just give you a list of extremely accomplished male pâtissières like Pierre Hermé, Gaston Lenôtre, François Payard, Duff Goldman and many more. Calling the art of pastry making purely feminine is extremely narrow-minded and makes me want to punch you. I'm not saying that there aren't jobs that are mainly dominated by one gender but seriously, its the 21st century, get the idea that some lines of work are purely one gender out of your head cause it ain't true.

Also calling manga the only thing that devolves? fuck that cause if you look at it that way, manga is not the only art style that is devolving, american cartoons are also like manga. if i had to say manga has a way more sophisticated art style then american cartoons (of course this is my personal opinion and i do realize that this is just a subjective opinion) and of course it seems that decent constructive criticism is also devolving. that is the end of it leave a reply if you want but i will be back to shut it down
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
@Ace435 Yeah... everything is getting derivative, as young industries expand and more money gets involved, it results in corporations swooping in to corner the market, attempting to make the most money for as little effort and cost as possible and when you pander to a global market, you target the lowest common denominator so "art" suffers because of it.

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