Multiple chapters released at once? Linking to the newest in "follows" is evil :rejected:

Jun 6, 2018
HASTY UPDATE: I was talking about the "follows" tab that is present on the home page of Mangadex. Not the actual "Follows" page, I had no idea that one existed.
I maintain my suggestion, as I got a huge spoiler thrown in my face and that could have been avoided, but, still, my apologies for the misleading explanation below, all this time, when I wrote "follows page", I meant the tab with the same name, shown in the home Mangadex page.


I strongly suspect it must have been mentioned before, but ten minutes looking into it returned nothing, so here's for the bug report. Because, yes, in my eyes, this is an actual malfunction, the flaw is too big.

The issue being: when multiple chapters are released all at once for a series, in the "Follows" page of Mangadex, under the series name, it's the newest, latest chapter that has an hyperlink. So, we will carelessly click it, and by the time we understand there's something amiss and we clearly have been missing on stuff, it's too late, we've had spoilers thrown onto our unfortunate soul, scarring it for all eternity.

My suggestion, constructive criticism instead of whining:
- since we have to be logged in to have a Follows page...
- In that Follows page, read from database which is the latest chapter that has had an opened page,
- And in the Follows page...
- Check if there are more than 1 chapters with a bigger chapter number with an unread status,
- And if there are more than one, display "series name, line break, chapters xx-yy", xx being the smaller not read chapter number, yy being the biggest unread chapter number.


- or simply write "series name, line break, chapter [smaller unread chapter number] -- and more", the "and more" resulting from reading from database that there are multiple unread chapters with a bigger chapter number.
Sep 21, 2018
@Sabinou This page shows individual releases so you can just scroll down until your last read marker though? What's wrong with using this one? Genuine question.
Jan 19, 2018
Go to settings change latest updates to grouped chapter problem solved or hear me out instead of just clicking the chapter link you take 2 seconds out of your life and go to the series main page that's what I do.

I'll add that the grouped chapter affects the home page.
Jun 6, 2018
@Yatsuki Holy hell, I had no idea that page existed, my apologies.


Here's the page I was talking about:

Not sure hotlinking would work, but attempting to:


In that screenshot, for the Skeleton Soldier... series, it shows "chapter 126", while that was actually a batch of chapters published in a row, from 111 to 126.
Me, I had stopped at the chapter 110, and candidly clicked the link to the chapter 126, see the idea?


I'll see if I can still edit my original post to change the "Follows page" mention to "the abbreviated follows tab on the home page of Mangadex".

Thank you for the corrections, guys, and for the news there is an actual complete follows page!
Jun 6, 2018
@Sterven Thank you for the "Setttings > Grouped chapter" suggestion, I also had no idea there was that.
With this new setting, I can now see when multiple chapters have been released, and it will prompt me to click the manga series' title instead of going for individual chapters, out of safety.

Your help is appreciated, and it's great that it will affect the homepage! :)
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
For this view, there really is no proper alternative. We're definitely not going to be checking for read markers to determine which chapter to show, doubly so because that view shouldn't really be based on any particular timescale in the first place.

Either way, looks like your issue is essentially solved by the alternative settings already in place.

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