Murabito Desu ga Nani ka?

Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
The power of the edgelord is slowly corrupting the author’s mind, one miserable chapter at a time.
Depends on if you like that type of characters, to each their own i suppose. The chapter number seems to be some kind of running tally of the total amount of edginess present in the current arc, while the mc isn’t usually the one to blame, he seems to pull those types out of the woodwork with higher and higher frequency as the chapters progress

It’s as if the manga was directed by two different people with Chapters 1 - 9 by one person, and then everything else by the other. One thing to note is that the harem, romance tags can be almost ignored. I’ve seen better written relationships in a tv commercial for chewing gum.
to make my case I present to you “Long Long Man”
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Solid read for sure, lot of kiddos can't follow cause the author makes a lot of things grand and in a large scale but it's just one of those shut down your boruto brain and enjoy it kind of manga.
Aug 18, 2020
It started pretty okay-ish. All the things you'd expect from an isekai manga:
1. unreasonably OP hero
2. everything works out or there's no story
3. blatant foreshadowing that insinuates that there's some purpose in everything
4. regrets of past life are the primary motivation
5. people fawn over him
6. everybody else who's not the MC stays the same with supporting characters only ever growing in strength so they could be kept around

Although I worded it in such a way they generally sound unappealing, these are what makes isekais a thing. The powerplay of being able to do what you normally could not without the repercussions we'd normally associate to them in the real world. So in that regard, the things that made this particular manga progressively bad would be:
1. The skills he accumulates don't really make practical sense and the stats are more or less just visual indicators with no real math involve. This isn't really a bad thing, but the way they handle it and puts so much emphasis on it makes it seem like it ought to be something very important, and the ones that are actually important are whisked off as if they were just something mentioned in passing. The end result is a combobulation of explanations that gives no actual substance to anything and just clutters up the already messy panels.
2. The whole point of travelling to another world is to resolve worries. Things working out just because is something desirable in an isekai. Adding a bit of drama here and there is fine since that'll hype up the whole "it all works out in the end" trope. It becomes a problem when you try too hard to explain something. Even moreso when it's made out to be a very serious affair but with an explanation that's just jankily thrown out there.
So that part when he's all of a sudden talking to the dragon king that explains how he's managed to control the power given to him by lucifer, it was so sloppy it made me stop and wait for an entire day before picking it up again.
The whole thing's like finding hair in your soup and it's becoming a trend rather than a one-off thing as the story progresses.
3. Foreshadowing is a good thing because it gives us bits and pieces of the story we could piece together and makes the entire thing more enticing. A mystery that rewards you each time you get a puzzle piece. Unfortunately, this manga likes spoilers more than actual foreshadowing as it repeatedly bluntly answers the questions it asks. You get a cliffhanger that's not really a cliffhanger and instead rounding off nicely at the end, it all just ends with a "mhm."
4. Regrets are well and good, but their focus should be to highlight the humanity of MC not the other way around. I can't really say much about this part because I'm not sure what made it so lackluster: the poor attempt at realism or how the MC's whole affair is so out there it's hard to sympathize with him.
5. Everyone's shit, and if everyone's shit, nobody really cares for their affection. Lilith's backstory was kinda okay. Cordelia's started out pretty good, too. Then nothing. Everybody else is just there existing.
6. Past their backstories, nothing else is worth noting about the other characters. I think they're supposed to show growth, but all they ever grow for would be in utility and nothing else. They have about as much personality as sardines in a can.

Why am I still reading it? Well,
1. For the lulz. Not that the manga's funny, but more of the internal struggle of "Why tf am I subjecting myself through this? Am I awakening to something that's been dormant in me all these years? Is this the M they've always talked about?"
2. I keep mistaking it for Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? and well, since I opened it, I just go, "Eh, a'ight. Let's see what's up."
3. Y'know how you try some unknown brand of crisps and you realize that you don't really like it, but it's tolerable and since it's already been opened you just keep on eating it? Yeah, kinda like that.
4. It started out somewhat fun so there's this lingering hope in me that the author might just be in a slump, but continues on anyway because deadlines and contracts. In this hope and mild sympathy, I trudge on.
5. I got nothing better to do so I'd much rather read this than wallow in existential crisis.
6. I'm wallowing in existential crisis.
7. I use it like a commercial break from some of the heavy-themed mangas I read. Because it's so janky and confusing, my brain kind of just resets. Like coffee beans to a perfume shop.
8. "It's the little things." Take that however you like. It's all correct.
9. I like underdogs. He isn't really an underdog, but it gives me something to make a head-canon out of.
10. It didn't feel right to end the list with 9 reasons.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
@konzolmester the mangaka is just shit this is so unmemorable I can honestly say I remember my highschool lunches more than this trash if it was weekly it would be good but once a month is no
Double-page supporter
Nov 8, 2020
Why are people saying this is trash, it’s just average, stop comparing everything to masterpieces and then trash talk things that are average
Jul 21, 2018
Dropped this, but decided to look what other people say about this trash. So, the wall of text from sbzkag - it is comments like this that make comment section worthwhile and sometimes more interesting and intellectual to read than the subject they are written about.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
Looks like trash but Im compelled to try titles that might be worth something, even if slighly. BUT I see romance and harem tag and if he doesnt bangs anyone then its just worse than trash. So how it is, just blue ball simulator?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
I normally drop manga this terrible early but the art and scanlation seemed good so I tried my best.
It sure looks like the serial killer is the Sage and his sister is the Hero who forgot her memories like the goddess suggested. All in one single .5 chapter, more or less confirming the foreshadowing from the early chapters.

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