What I ment this time is how badly the plot is written. So MC has problems with mafia. Suddenly old guy shows up and resolves his problem by giving order to the mafia heads. Problem done.
and no more explenation given. Dont you think is terrible writing?
@Yamibi I wholeheartedly agree. I was just adding onto the fact that there is no clear goal set as of now, he just goes here and there and stuff happens and he's like "Yeah, I'll help".
@Yamibi it is ^^ though the novels world has soaring so much, there's so many story filled with plot holes and 2D characters that you just end up turning off your brains before reading or quitting when you can't anymore 🤣
i love how everyone important who meets the MC gets the "I really dont want to fuck with this kid" vibe and instead tries to establish some type of Relationship with him