@twinklecake the ammoral one is in a sense more cliche in this genre and him being reasonable is kind of what makes him so easy to relate to and pretty likable, especially as this isn't really some saintly request, just a very human one,
I'm sure it's something he certainly wants to always avoid given his earlier actions but the weight of sacrificing them has also been made clear to him and us without making the choice too obvious, with these last well written chapters,
turning a blind eye another time would almost make him less interesting, as in a sense, this would otherwise be him actually faltering and struggling to keep to his normally adamant and strict desire of doing his best to go back , which certainly makes him more interesting and less one note as a character,
and this lines up with his past in the other world in a pretty realistic sense in terms of his morality and humanity when it comes down to it.
i don't know if all that is especially unique but something about how unexpected and brazen the choice is, just makes it feel fresh to me,
putting aside musings on archetypes, i think this is just a straight up intriguing character arc. Regardless of the amount he changes later, or his exact choice, this certainly gives him more character now and leaves a pretty big impression. I mean how could you not be happy if he cared about this powerless but gallant and loyal old man's dying wish. even though it's totally unclear if npcs are even alive.