Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
This entire thing is a trashfire, but you could guess it from the images alone.
ok, so 1 super autist fails to exploit his insect autism and becomes a 5 time failure that cant get into College.
His mom cuts him off and the loser never held a job cause he drops spaghetti all over the place all the time.
The landlord is kind enough to not only let him off without paying the rent he owes, but also gives him cash to go back home.
He spergs out constantly remembering what a loser he has been all this time.
He meets several girls from his past on his way home, including one that aimed to get into the same college as him, she has already graduated and works for the insect researcher he idolized.
On his way home he also meets his elementary school crush, they bond over for a while over ants before her husband shows up, he goes into the forest only to find his crush fucking her husband, she notices him and makes a show of it.
As soon as he gets home he finds his mom has been whoring herself out to keep her business running, she kicks him to the curb telling him shes preggo so she cant take care of him anymore, that she was done being his mom a while ago.
She tells him that he should already be walking on his own 2 feet, since she was able to live a life at 14 when she was pregnant with him.
he goes into the forest to kill himself, when the alien phenomenon reaches its peak and a space butterfly lands and bites him, turning his dick into an alien insect dick.
he proceeds to sperg out and ends up at a construction site where he begs for food and work, after a while a kind hearted dude gives him a job and food, he later finds out the foreman is fucking his mom in the bushes and his mom doesnt even aknowledge him.
the whole construction is being bankrolled by a high ranking Jap politician that has gotten wind that the island is gonna get nuked, so he is desperate to build a shelter to survive.
drama and the MC acting like a total sperg, which you would want to blame on the alien insect penis, but honestly the dude looks like has been a total autist from the start.

This is a trashfire, and absolute trashfire, yet i want to see how far the author is gonna go with this entire thing, since its gone well beyond a Cronenberg film at the moment.
I dont even care about the MC anymore since his personality and way he reacts is typical shonen MC sperging out at everything, which isnt cute nor endearing from a high school kid and it certainly doesnt do any favors for a nearly 30 YO ass loser that has never even worked in his life.

Now for those that only come here for the porn, theres only bare tits and all sex takes place in either small panels for background characters or happens offscreen with sound effects going off.

For the Deviants, yes theres insect on insect sex.
Mar 13, 2019
My intermediate Spanish is not good enough to understand what the fuck is going on.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2018
Finally, the English release is here, but we'll need a JAPANESE TRANSLATOR and TYPESETTER for next chapters.
If you are interested, join us;

DM Gindo
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
This entire thing is a trashfire, but you could guess it from the images alone.

This is a trashfire, and absolute trashfire, yet i want to see how far the author is gonna go with this entire thing, since its gone well beyond a Cronenberg film at the moment.
Only thing I take from this post is the Cronenberg namedrop, which seems on point. Will be interesting to see how the new (insect) flesh progresses. Agree that the MC is singularly unappealing.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
One of those series that makes you question whether the author is self aware, or just has a ton of issues they need to work on.
Jul 18, 2020
Welp, I went through the whole manga in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, so I just used Google Lens to translate what looked important. I skipped like 90% of the dialogue though, so I'm sure I missed some stuff, but got the broad strokes. I doubt this will ever be fully translated to English, so if you want to know the full story, here you go:

The lights in the sky are the result of a battle between two or more alien civilizations. The only one that matters is the insects called "The Evil God" by their enemies, and who I'll refer to as "The Insects". The Insects are a species of insectoid organisms that seem to fully lack what we humans would consider sapience or sentience. They don't think or feel, they just have their instinctual desire to survive, reproduce and expand. Over millions and millions of years of evolution, The Insects evolved to travel in vacuum, terraform other planets and, most important to the story, turn suns into black holes to enable faster-than-light travel via wormholes, among other crazy sci-fi stuff.

The Insects arrive on Earth and land on Yonase Island in Okinawa, Japan. They begin to 'reprogram' the local insects for their own purposes, preparing Yonase Island to become their base before they go to the next star system. The local insects grow to giant sizes and terraform the island to house and foster the 'main' species, which looks like an ant with butterfly-like wings.
Their method for travel and propagation is as follows: they turn Jupiter into a series of three neutron stars or miniature black holes or something (I don't quite remember or it wasn't clear). These mini-stars have huge gravitational pulls and two of them move around the Earth and shape it into a cone, with Yonase Island at the tip. As you can imagine, devastation ensues, with mega-earthquakes and super-tsunamis. The base of the cone on the other side is made to erupt, blasting the Earth forward. The destination? Well, the last mini-star was sent into the sun in order to turn it into a black hole, which will be used as a wormhole for the Earth to go into.

So, that's how The Insects work. So what's up with the MC's alien dong? Well, in one of the previous iterations of this cycle, one of the alien species that fell to The Insects managed to capture and experiment on one of them. They then encoded into its DNA a function to seek out a non-insectoid species and fuse with it. This would in theory create a means of communicating with these unthinking aliens. Said Insect fused with the MC. The reason it became his dick is because sex is basically the exchange of information, and lots of it at that. See, The Insects, instead of using neurons and having a big ol' normal brain, use these microscopic organisms that basically have sex all the time, transmitting information between them, forming a sexy neural network. So basically sex is the most important thing to this species or something.

Anyway, how does it end? The Earth is shot into the sun/black hole and is transported to another galaxy 3 billion lightyears away. Somehow the island and a large amount of people that survived the transformation (it's not a small number, but definitely much less than half the Earth's initial population). Not sure how that's possible on a planet now shaped like a fucking cone with half of it blasted off, but why not. It's implied the MC had something to do with it, as The Insects aren't supposed to travel to other galaxies nor let the host species live so carefreely. Guess he got through to them after all. shrug

So yeah, that's Mushinuyun. It's fucking insane and makes less sense the more you think about it, but it's certainly unique and there's some interestingly novel ideas. Doesn't compare to Nachun in my opinion, but I respect a mangaka that gets LESS mainstream with newer releases (seriously who is this for). Welp, guess I'll check out his newest manga now.

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