Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 6 Ch. 51 - Heavy Mist

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2020
A-Are they just gonna forget the dad? I know my man fucked up but I don't think his mistake warrants THIS
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
It's nice to remember that you don't have to read every chapter from a series haha
Jan 11, 2020
Koto testify against her mom, kousuke free, koto stay at kousuke home, kousuke smash koto, miya found out, kousuke smash miya, koto's mom can't live without her daughter, beg to join, kousuke smash koto mom with a bat, koto's mom cured, and they all live happily ever after. The end
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
First off, mandatory jokes out of the way:

Anyway, if you notice, the title of the chapter is clearly (ironically) referencing the lack of clarity in Koto's mind at this point.

Notice how Koto has literally no agency around her mother, which is in clear opposition to her relationship with Kousuke. Kousuke is very give-and-take, as he will tell her "no" if he thinks she's doing something wrong, but otherwise is very forthcoming and non-controlling. Her mother, however, literally gives her no free will at all, as she basically tells her where she's going by forcing her into the Taxi, and is the one who orders HER to take a shower.

Also notice how her mother is happy when it seems she's apologizing and is almost relishing in the idea that Koto is admitting she was wrong for leaving her for Kousuke, but when she doesn't apologize, Koto's mother just tells her to go take a shower, as if to cleanse her of some taint. She doesn't even look her in the eyes when telling her.

Then, when she's in the shower and reminiscing on her kiss with Kousuke, her mom barges in on her privacy, and holds her to apologize, vaguely saying she did something wrong but never specifically admitting anything that she did do to Koto, and saying that she doesn't want Koto to leave HER. It's very egocentric, not being concerned with Koto in the slightest, but primarily being concerned with viewing her as a prize to be won or some great valuable treasure that only SHE should have access to.

I think there's also some symbolism in the fact she's taking a shower in relation to the fish or that she's in the nude, as if to suggest that she's begun to expose her true self to her mother, but that's not completely formed into something solid yet. Next chapter is available in a week.

I think after this interaction, Koto clears up the fog, so to say, and realizes she needs to right her wrong to free Miya's father.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2018
ugh i don't care what you say, the worst human being in this is the mother, i mean all of them are kinda trash (just like real life all of us are to a certain degree trash) but she's just beyond salvation, What a manipulative bitch Koto needs help (real help not weird romantic help) asap
Group Leader
May 3, 2020
@ss4chris that would actually be cool, haha! completely out of the blue and out of character, but i would still cheer for it, as i'm always in for yuri! 🙃

@Werducc thank you!
and to everyone else who've shown your appreciate, and everyone who's commented! i read all the comments and i love all you guys' take on what you think happened here!

i don't know about others, but for me, it's an almost manual time-consuming process, as i do every speech bubble one at a time, and i have to fix many errors in the recognition, especially smaller/larger characters, which are ever so important in the meaning of a sentence!

i know Koto's mom's behavior is abusive, but does she do it by withholding information? btw, i had never heard of that expression, it made me look it up, interesting!

as the question comes back often, as far as I can tell, since she was presented to be in high school first year, that would put her at 15~16yo.

hahaha, it does look like it, but from the couple pages i've started translating, that's unfortunately not it, lol

i did watch this movie a LONG time ago. was sad yeah...

i honestly thought chapter 50 was gonna be the end, but then we got a chapter going over the police processing, i was surprised. who knows how long this story still has!!!

i'll take that as a compliment 😅
maybe it's because it "is" not MTL. i use multiple online translators as reference, but i analyze and translate sentences to the best of my ability, and i use and other dictionaries to make sure i've gotten the expressions right and stuff. this chapter though, didn't have much text at all, lol!

always appreciate your in depth thoughts on the matter! and you're right, the title was well thought of. it's both literally what's happening (in the shower) and what's going on in her mind (the fog).
Aggregator gang
Nov 25, 2018
Koto : i love your dad, so i'll become your step-mother.

Miya : *slaps Koto*

The End.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
I'm gonna laugh if his daughter is the one who gives her the push she needs to escape her mother.

"You don't gotta flirt with my underage friend anymore under the guise of helping her, dad. I dealt with it in like 5 minutes. Now if you wanna get close to her you gotta admit you just have a thing for kids"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2020
Koto looks so broken in this chapter... this chapter is filled with creepy vibes
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you for the update!!
I found really interesting the view we have of the mom. For us, as readers, she seems manipulative and controlling and mean, specially so in recent chapters. And maybe she is all of that, but on top of her being like that she has just found her daughter to have a pretty hands-on relationship with an older dude, I would freak out too. I hope her tears and fears this chapter are genuine.
On the other hand, I do hope Koto gets some sense of control on her life, but away from Miya hahaha, leave the poor girl aloooone.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 2, 2018
Damn, she dragged Kousuke into all of this and them left him out to dry. Guess she really is still a teenager, no sense of responsibility yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019

We know that Kotomom has a history of being manipulative AF, but this author tends to use face shots to convey if the person is being genuine or not. I'll give Kotomom the benefit of the doubt...for now.

Now, with Koto, she kinda stood up for herself, so that's progress, and she is reuniting with Miya... I don't see this going well.

Anyway, this manga keeps its tradition of being like a really slow trainwreck, there's no way you can look away from it.

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