Musume no Tomodachi

Oct 21, 2019
There is only the human being to put invisible barriers to immaterial feelings ... moreover it has always existed in the past and in the present too, and not only in Japan.
Aug 8, 2018
This series sort of lost its unsettling darker edge as it went along now it’s just sort of a creepy romance.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@D1stanc3 Define "creepy" romance? Cause she's in highschool? I mean, if she's above the age of consent, there's nothing wrong with it. If he's somehow a stalker, then yes, creepy. I'm trying to decide whether to start it or not.

@brennu the story "realistic"? Your comment makes total sense, "real life is messy" for sure. But that's exactly why I read romance and stuff, to GET AWAY from the depressing reality. Nothing against the manga if it's realistic, I just wanna know if I should pick it up or not.
Aug 8, 2018
@Tatherwood Creepy romance because the story is about a grown ass man with a job, house and a high school aged daughter becoming so obsessed with an unstable high school girl to the point he will throw everything away for their relationship. Yeah thats fucking creepy/weird however you want to phrase it. "If shes above the age of consent theres nothing wrong with it" is such a dumb thing to say. Do you just base all your morals off of whatever the laws are in your region of the world? Idk exactly what age she is in the story but even if she is older than whatever the age of consent is I would still think the dude is a creep, mentally ill or both. I mean they are all mentally pretty fucked up though, thats sort of the concept of the story.

Anyway my point was just that at the beginning this story had a dark almost violent edge to it. The characters had weird motivations and the vibe overall was unsettling, suspenseful and eerie. I honestly thought the author was going to go the psychological horror route and we would see some fucked up shit happen to the characters. The last 5 or so chapters made it pretty clear to me though that this is just going to be a romance/suspense and not a horror. Too bad.

Regardless, if you read romance to get away from depressing reality I would probably stay away from this one. Its somewhat depressing and dark, not exactly what I would consider a "feel good" read.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@D1stanc3 Yup, will stay away, thanks.

But simply to reply to you, "do you base all your morals off whatever the laws say". Well, no, but that's not quite what I said or what you're saying (or what I thought you might be saying).
People are puritans, especially Dumfuckistanians. "Omg, she/he's 16 and he/she's 28, that's wrong". Uh...why is it wrong?
Legally, it's not wrong (age of consent).
Biologically, it's not wrong (the sexual peak of men and women is different, which is why an 18yo male is more compatible with a 38yo female, and an 18yo female with a 38yo male).
Morally? Morally it'd be wrong IF the adult was taking advantage of the the teen. But 99% of the cases you don't see that argument, you just see "it's wrong cause age difference". Which, to quote you, "is such a dumb thing to say".

And you're actually like that. "Idk exactly what age she is in the story but even if she is older than whatever the age of consent is I would still think the dude is a creep, mentally ill or both". That seems to be your general stance SIMPLY CAUSE OF AGE, before even getting into the fact that in this story they are, indeed, fucked up.
So what you're saying is, "an adult man being sexually attracted by a 16yo girl, who physically has the body of a grown woman, is mentally ill". I see, I see.
Such a dumb thing to say.
Aug 8, 2018
@Tatherwood Its not the physical attraction thats wrong, its the mental attraction. A grown ass dude in his 40s being attracted to the exterior appearance of a younger girl isn't really fucked up, I mean its weird but also biologically rational. Its being attracted to her mentality and the way she thinks and perceives the world that's what is wrong and pretty messed up. Thats why I said her specific age doesn't matter.

An older person with a job and a fully independent life "falling in love" with someone that is mentally still an immature child and lives with their parents and goes to school is fucking creep level behavior, regardless of the kids specific age. I stand behind that take, it is absolutely not a dumb thing to say. People that have lived in the real world for 20+ years and know the struggle yet are still attracted to the minds of immature dumber kids who haven't really experienced life on their own yet are fucking wackos. More often than not the subconscious (or conscious) reason they like the younger kids mentality is because they perceive them as weaker and know that they will be in control of the relationship. Its not "love" its an obsession with being in control of a weaker, less experienced person and its fucking weird from any angle. Its a blurry line when they are closer in age that's true, age isn't always a perfect measure of life experience... but it generally is and I know for a fact that a ~25+ year old person being attracted to a high school kids mentality is fucked up and for the wrong reasons. If you really can't comprehend the simple logic behind that I wonder if you are either still an immature kid yourself or if you are some sick adult that wants a mentally weaker partner.
Jan 4, 2019
Yeah I agree that if this is a horror it'd be great. But if it's just romance... well it just a fetish thing. Nothing wrong with it but the standard would be pretty low.

P/s: it's not creepy bc of the age gap (well a little bit) but bc of their interations and how they pursuit this relationtionship. The age gap in Watashi no Shonen is huge too but it wasnt creepy.
Nov 14, 2020
I feel bad for the daughter it's like unfair, her father is very sentimental(given his love) to another person but didn't bother when his wife was still alive and just focus work. But when he met the girl he changed like urghh
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@D1stanc3 "We spend our childhood wanting to grow up, and our adulthood wanting to be kids again". Does that quote sound familiar?
WHY would it be "creepy" to fall in love with a person that can still look at the world with youthful innocence instead of grown cynicism? Why would it be creepy to fall in love with a mentality that thinks the world is still in your hands, rather than one that knows it's not?
There are people who'd rather a mature mentality. 100% okay. Why is it 100% wrong to like a youthful approach to life?
If you said the "kid" is 12, then by all means. They're still playing with teddy bears ffs. But 16? They're like a year away from voting. In 'Dumbfuckistan they're LITERALLY a year away from joining the army.
Let me say that again. In Dumbfuckistan you can LEGALLY START KILLING PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES when you're 17. But if you're 16 "you're a child" and it's "creepy" to be attracted to that? You DO realize how utterly and completely moronic that is?

Again, I read your words, but cannot understand the thought process, I really can't... Guess we're just that different.
Feb 21, 2018
Those who think this as creepy (age gap) romance clearly missed the message of the story.
Aug 8, 2018
Oh no I got the message of the story loud and clear, I just think it’s out of touch and bullshit.
Oct 21, 2019
@D1stanc3 i think its your logic the bullshit sorry ^^ Hold on, eat, you'll have nightmares
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
I just noticed the sexual violence tag. I don't think that was there before, and I don't think there's anything in this manga that really warrants that tag so far.
Active member
Apr 14, 2019
None of this would have happened if the dude had just gone to a soapland once or twice in the last year. Burning his entire life down for some chick is mega-simping.
Sep 5, 2019
It’s ending in 5 chapters

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