My Girlfriend Is a Dragon - Ch. 19

Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2018
What a half assed development. Since the dragonslayer girl won't have her eye destroyed, she won't become a crazy and inconsequential bitch like she was in the messed up timeline. In a way, this is a seed for a redemption arc for, allowing the MC to teach her that not all dragons are bad, and changing her heart, opening a possibility of her being included the harem in the future.

TL;DR: this is bullshit
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Completely agree that this has been a major waste of 10 or so chapters. The only thing that changes is now MC is even more accepting of his wife, and dragonslayer bitch is not quite as kill on site worthy as she was. What I mean by this is that shes dropped down from a 100% to about a 97% KOS. I get that in manga, stabbing people is just another form of a friendly introduction, but I hope she isn't added to the harem (and something tells me I am to be disappointed).
Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2018
@JavelinJoe there's is a lot of trash in the manga/manhua/manhwa industry, and sadly, this trash is what sells and that's why translators works on them. But the situation with manhua it's what bothers me the most, because a lot of trash is being given attention.

There are a lot of good ones that aren't translated or stop being translated because they don't give clicks and views on the translators websites. Here in Brazil, The King's Avatar, a very good manhua, was dropped because it wasn't read or downloaded as much as Demon Seed Spirit Manual, a far worse title.

I really miss the mid to late 00's and the early 10's, where good manga was being made and translated.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
One thing that gets me, and I am conflicted as well by, is when either the author or the licensing company refuses to allow others to translate the work, even though they already have declaired to have 0 intentions of ever making a translated version.

I get and agree that you should respect the "your property, your choice" ruling. It is the proper way to do things. But if it is never going to be shared with the world by you in the first place, then why stop others from doing it, for free even? You are not losing anything monitarily from it because you already have decided to only have it circulate locally in one language. If anything, this would generate more like and support for your work. Its a tricky conflict.

Personally, I am more on the side of let them translate it if they want to, but I can defenatly see the other side's point too.
Group Leader
Nov 6, 2019
@JavelinJoe @metaldog564
Hi, the translator for the My Girlfriend is a Dragon here. This may sound a bit biased since I am the one in charge of the manhua, but do hear my views if the two of you are so inclined to.

I've read a lot of manhua out there before - good ones, bad ones, horrendous ones (looking at you, you constantly dropping-in-quality First Rate Master smh). While there are some that are _really_ bad, there are some that have good potential and thought process, just slightly sub-par execution. This series was one of them.

I initially agreed to translate this series (CH. 4 onwards) as a favour to a friend, not so much because I had heard good things about it or what not. The first time I read though it, I was legit thinking to myself, "Wtf exactly am I even reading here?" Chapters 1-3 were so retarded and so mindbogglingly autistic that I couldn't help but laugh at myself for agreeing to undertake such a project. However, as I slowly read further, I found myself slowly fall in love with this series. Why? Because it was so spastic and whimsical, I found it almost hilarious to read as it kept jumping from point to point, from
Slipping over a banana peel and getting engaged to fighting a robot and then to a post-apocalyptic scenario
. This is one of those series that to me, is quote-on-quote: "So bad that it's good".

Now, again, I could be biased since I'm the translator, but I don't pick up works that I find are too 'cliche'. There are PLENTY of good works out there - The King's Avatar, Battle Through The Heavens, I Quit Being a Hero etc. The Manhua industry has no shortage of good stories with amazing plots and astounding works out there. However, it's the lesser-known ones like this one that really give me a breath of fresh air. If you've read this far, you didn't stay for the good plot. Maybe you stayed for the art-ish, but I highly doubt that too. Or maybe you just wanted to see how long you could last before giving up? I don't know. But I keep doing this manhua because it's unique; it's nowhere near the greatest, nor is it something that I would just arbitrarily browse through and start to read (Maybe for the cute loli on the cover tee-hee xD). That being said, it is, like I mentioned, a breath of 'fresh air', a deviation from the normal style of manhua. So, since you've stayed this far already, I won't say to stay more, but why not just go along with it? XD
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
I agree with you that this series fall into the category of "its so bad its good". This is mostly why I am staying with it too. It is just one of those series where even if it is 80% predictable cliches and scenarios, it is the remaining 20%, has the biggest impact on the plots progression and direction. Plus, the art isn't too appalling, nor is it overly generic to where I forget which MC this is, only to remember it really doesn't matter since even if I am wrong, the story will not be impacted in the slightest. MC actually acknowledges a relationship with a girl that is above "just friends". This already is enough to keep me interested for a while. As long as this point isn't really messed with for more than a few chapters or so, and is only done sparingly, I dont see me dropping this. But if this turns into something like "for the next 87+ chapters, MC will forget his entire existence up until this point, not including every relationship, but specifically only the one with his wife, to some super space amnesia, which is only cured by cucking his wife repeatedly", I'm out.

On a side note, I do not know if this is how it will turn out, but it is looking like someone just had a bowl full of plot points, cliche reveals, and character archetypes. And was just picking randomly 1 or 2 of them from the bowl, then working it into the next chapter. If that is actually how it was written, I would not be very shocked, and it would be kind of amusing.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
so dragons lose control when they take to much damage normally from dragon slayers like based on the information wiping out the dragon slayers is a benefit to the world since they are the catalyst for disaster

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