wait hold on why is everybody mad??? i feel like it's completely normal to not want to bring up your friend's (apparently) obvious crush on you? like she's not leading anybody on, she just doesn't want to threaten the integrity of the friendship by bringing romance into it, especially if she doesn't feel the same way. and it's not like she's extorting money from hana, they're literally just friends lmao
It's like your average commenter here has the reading comprehension and life experience of a 10 year old. It's baffling.
She's leading her on through inviting her to live with her, acting like a romantic partner like saying things that a partner would say like not letting anyone else pierce her ears, or asking to be fed.
There's also that she constantly talks about her crushes/bfs to get comfort from someone she knows has feelings for her.
I don't know in what world a person would accuse their BEST FRIEND and roommate of having a crush on them based on a suspicion. Because despite how obvious one might think it is, unless the other person outright says it, it could still all be one massive misunderstanding. What kind of lunatic would jeopardize such a close relationship based on something like that? Not to mention how disrespectful that would be.
Lesbian girl deserves better, beside her shit taste in women
Because the girl is an asshole, so even shipping the two leads feels quite bad. Why would you root for one character to be with someone who's willingly manipulating her?
Oh, by the way, you don't need to be especially smart to manipulate someone
Accusing Kanata of leading Hana on is wild. Kanata is clearly just an intimate person and their friendship is partly built on that aspect. Up until this point there has been nothing to suggest that Kanata has any bad intentions, quite the opposite actually, she clearly cares a lot about her friend. She also didn't become friends with Hana with the knowledge that Hana has a crush on her, but instead was something she started suspecting over a seemingly long time. Hana also hasn't made her feelings clear and doesn't seem like she has any intention to (at this point in the story).
So instead imagine for a sec that Kanata pulls away and starts acting distant because she doesn't want to give the wrong idea after realizing Hana might have a crush on her. Suddenly she has created a massive rift between them with 0 consideration for what Hana wants, but of course she obviously can't just confront Hana about it either. Not only that, now Hana is also left watching not just her crush but her best friend put distance between them, and she has absolutely no idea why and may never find out why either.
Imagine how much it would hurt to put your closest friend through that. Or worse, imagine how much it would hurt if your best friend and crush did that to you, and left you wondering what happened between you two. A one sided crush suddenly sounds a lot easier and preferable than going through something like that, don't you think?