My Love for My Roommate Is One-Sided - Vol. 2 Ch. 36 - My Love for My Roommate Was One-Sided✿1

Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
Oh, right, I forgot that any time there's a story where people had sexual partners before their current ones, there's a good chance it draws out some weirdos in the comments. Unpleasant.
One or two previous long term partners is perfectly fine. That's why I explicitly said 17, which is what is mentioned in chapter 0. That, is not fine at all.

Or at least, in real life it isn't a good thing. I'm sure like in most fictional stories they won't have any problems due to that. I'd be extremely surprised if this author chooses to tackle any of the actual repercussions of having had many sexual partners.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Strictly talking about real life, not these fictional stories where in the end everything ends up working out, body count does matter. At least, if you want a stable relationship where the couple is able to pair bond.
Body count doesn't matter, body count is utterly irrelevant for a couple to bond unless you still live in the last century or is ultra religious, or of course a misogynist, since nobody cares about man body count.
I could scream about how cute they are like the rest of the comments, but Kanata just reminded me of two women I met in real life. That's why I couldn't see her as cute and said that. In real life, those women are just trouble.
Go to therapy .
Sadly, I only found the wisdom of the internet after having experienced trauma. Just was nice to know I wasn't imagining it.
Wisdom of the intenet? Mate go to therapy, get actual help.
One or two previous long term partners is perfectly fine. That's why I explicitly said 17, which is what is mentioned in chapter 0. That, is not fine at all.
Who the fuck are you to say it's not fine? Your problems are your own, don't force on others your twisted view of relationships.
Or at least, in real life it isn't a good thing. I'm sure like in most fictional stories they won't have any problems due to that. I'd be extremely surprised if this author chooses to tackle any of the actual repercussions of having had many sexual partners.
What the fuck repercussions? Do tell, the only actual possible repercussions is std if you're stupid enough to not use protection, otherwise there's no such thing as repercussions for having had multiple relationships in the past.

What you're saying is nothing but 101 incel red pill nonsense, if it was a man who had multiple relationships you wouldn't even care, and don't even try to bullshit your way out of it, because  nobody cares when a man fucks around, it's always a issue only when a woman do it.

Go get professional help for your trauma and grow as a person instead of using it as a excuse to attack people.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2024
One or two previous long term partners is perfectly fine. That's why I explicitly said 17, which is what is mentioned in chapter 0. That, is not fine at all.

Or at least, in real life it isn't a good thing. I'm sure like in most fictional stories they won't have any problems due to that. I'd be extremely surprised if this author chooses to tackle any of the actual repercussions of having had many sexual partners.
What even is your problem? Why are you so weird about this? I'd ask you if you act like that around people irl too, but sadly I know the answer already because you essentially said so in this reply.
What a creep.
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
The comments of a child without life experience.
You remind me of myself from a decade ago. So pure, so naive. I'll admit I'm jaded. I don't enjoy life as much as I did before. But I'm actually content with my life.

I know I won't change your mind. Nobody managed to change my mind before either. We can only change our minds through our own experiences.

Good luck growing up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
You remind me of myself from a decade ago. So pure, so naive. I'll admit I'm jaded. I don't enjoy life as much as I did before. But I'm actually content with my life.

I know I won't change your mind. Nobody managed to change my mind before either. We can only change our minds through our own experiences.

Good luck growing up.
That's not growing up, that's giving up, you're just too scared to try, too scared to get hurt, too scared to take risks.

You're literally no different than a edgy teenager that thinks everything is doom and gloom.

In the words of Peggy Noonan:
Cynicism is not realistic and tough. It's unrealistic and kind of cowardly because it means you don't have to try.
In the words of Michael Josephson:
Cynicism transforms experience and healthy skepticism into a pernicious prejudice that assumes negative conduct and intentions and damns to failure every effort to make things better. Cynicism is a dark lens that that shapes everything we see and how we feel.
In the words of Oscar Wilde:
What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
In the words of Bertrand Russell:
Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact.
In the words of Noam Chomsky:
Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.
In the words of Jewel Kilcher:
Cynicism isn't smarter, it's only safer.
In the words of Henry Ward Beecher:
The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man and never fails to see a bad one. He is the human owl, vigilant in the darkness and blind to the light, always pursuing vermin and never hunting noble game.
In the words of Alex Hirsch:
Cynicism isn't cool, smart or sexy, its just laziness with an edgy makeover. It's your egos way of tricking you into thinking that apathy is heroic.
The youth of today is so lost. What a sad state of affairs.
Says the bitter old man, pathetically reveling in his own suffering instead of learning to actually live.

Honestly, I'm not even mad at you, I'm just sad, you're nothing but a walking ball of sadness, bitterness and hopelessness, all you can do is spread your own suffering and calling it being an adult, you're not an adult, you're a child, so focused on your own suffering you can't even see the world, can't even hope for better.

You'll never be happy because you're comfortable in your own misery, you learned to enjoy it, and as a bonus you can pat yourself in the back and fool yourself into thinking you're wise.

The youth is not lost, only people like you are lost, because you accept the world as it is, accept your life as it is, instead of trying to actually hoping for better, try to achieve more.

People like you are unironically what makes the world a worse place, because you're miserable, and misery loves company, you're in a hell of your own making, you can try blaming your trauma all you want, but at the end of the day everyone has a choice, and you chose to let a trauma define your entire existence, you can't blame anybody but yourself for that, no matter how much you say otherwise.

I also unironically say this, get therapy, it will help, you're not wise, you're not smart, you're not grown up, you're still the same person you was when your trauma happened, you're stuck in the past, those who live in the past cannot live in the present neither have a future.
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Aggregator gang
Jul 1, 2020
The youth of today is so lost. What a sad state of affairs.
if this is the way you act in the comments to a manga, I'd put cash down that the trauma you referred to was you acting like a weird psycho to a partner and getting dumped for it. i need you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that you are not coming off like a brave truth-teller here. you're coming off as pathetic. no one wants to read this here.
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
A response so generic, and with so many appeals to authority, it may as well have been written by AI.
Now that was a good laugh. I love the story you made up in your mind about me without knowing anything of substance. I applaud your imagination. You should become a fiction writer.
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
if this is the way you act in the comments to a manga, I'd put cash down that the trauma you referred to was you acting like a weird psycho to a partner and getting dumped for it. i need you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that you are not coming off like a brave truth-teller here. you're coming off as pathetic. no one wants to read this here.
Not trying to come off as anything but myself, really. If that's pathetic to you, then that's alright. I like myself and have people in my life who like me too. I'll agree that I've been more caustic than usual, but that's mostly because I was attacked first.

For anyone thinking I attacked first, go back and read again. I only stated my opinion on this chapter without pointing it at anyone. It's just that it ruffled the feathers of the particularly sensitive kinds. Could've just ignored it, but felt like responding.

Anyway, it's true that nobody wants to read these types of discussions, so I'll stop replying here. Good night.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Now that was a good laugh. I love the story you made up in your mind about me without knowing anything of substance. I applaud your imagination. You should become a fiction writer.
I find ironic you changed my quote to:
A response so generic, and with so many appeals to authority, it may as well have been written by AI.
As if you're not doing  the most generic cynical whining possible, which basically boils down to:
Wah wah, I got hurt so everything is doom and gloom! Life is bleak! Hope is a illusion! Nothing matters! Poor me!
You literally have nothing of substance, only typical whiny edgy emo nihilistic nonsense of how life is only suffering and that to grow up everyone else needs to suffer like you cause nothing matters.

But well, no matter, stay sad, stay mad, stay bitter, stay alone, the funny thing about life? Free will is a bitch, no matter how small we all make our own choices, we are our choices, and you chose to be nothing but misery, you chose to never move on from your trauma, that will be forever on you.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 5, 2020
My only gripe is that we didn't really see why or how Kanata fell in love with her best friend of many years just now. It feels like she just woke up one day and was in love with her. Like what made her realize her love for her and her bisexuality/lesbianism? Maybe that's why it's a little difficult to grasp that Kanata is in love with the intent of staying. It would be nice to see if the author added something to show her development of feelings. It would give more depth as a character.
Active member
Nov 11, 2023
Strictly talking about real life, not these fictional stories where in the end everything ends up working out, body count does matter. At least, if you want a stable relationship where the couple is able to pair bond.

I could scream about how cute they are like the rest of the comments, but Kanata just reminded me of two women I met in real life. That's why I couldn't see her as cute and said that. In real life, those women are just trouble.
booo tomato tomatooo
everyone’s laughing at you blud
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
My only gripe is that we didn't really see why or how Kanata fell in love with her best friend of many years just now. It feels like she just woke up one day and was in love with her. Like what made her realize her love for her and her bisexuality/lesbianism? Maybe that's why it's a little difficult to grasp that Kanata is in love with the intent of staying. It would be nice to see if the author added something to show her development of feelings. It would give more depth as a character.
She's clearly been in love with Hana from the start. For example, when she's smashed in chapter 8, she tries to kiss Hana or, in chapter 11, she gets jealous of the cats at the cat cafe over Hana.

We also get insight into how she fell in love. We see her meeting Hana where she was struck by how kind Hana is and she remarks on how many girls tend to avoid her unlike Hana.

We also see her mom showing up at the apartment for the first time since they moved in not knowing that she'd broken up with her boyfriend. This means that, probably, it hadn't even been a full year since they moved in together. Likely, they moved in April after graduation and her mom visited December of that same year.

We also see the moment of her figuring out her feelings in chapter 21 where she leans in to just blow on Hana's neck but, then, gets too flustered and backs off because it felt too much like she was about to kiss Hana.

What this seems to indicate is that she's been in love with Hana for a long time, but she figured out her feelings as a result of the proximity inherent to living together.

This is also different from her past boyfriends who seem to have mostly been guys she met in passing who were nice to her so she wanted to date them and who she jumped over the friends part then found herself incompatible with them quickly and they broke up.

Compare to Hana who she's been friends with for years and already knows she's deeply compatible with, enough so to live with her for months.

Because they're both girls in a heteronormative society, she took longer to realize her feelings for Hana than she would've for a guy and that gave her a lot of time to develop a proper friendship, understand her compatibility with Hana, and even move in before dating her. This means she has a stronger basis for a relationship with Hana than any of her past boyfriends.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
booo tomato tomatooo
everyone’s laughing at you blud
bro, how immature can you be? way the hell are you idiots getting so bend out of shape over some one opinion about fiction?

this shows that you lot are so god damn immature and still need to grow the fuck up, have you even been outside? how many people did you meet? there are so many different opinions and life experiences that this level of opinion shouldn't make you act so god damn childish!

at least make an argument not a stupid childish tantrum, at least then you can say you expressed an opinion! not some stupid immature insults
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
bro, how immature can you be? way the hell are you idiots getting so bend out of shape over some one opinion about fiction?

this shows that you lot are so god damn immature and still need to grow the fuck up, have you even been outside? how many people did you meet? there are so many different opinions and life experiences that this level of opinion shouldn't make you act so god damn childish!

at least make an argument not a stupid childish tantrum, at least then you can say you expressed an opinion! not some stupid immature insults
Honestly, I'm quite disappointed by how the discussion turned out.

If you look back at the first set of three responses I wrote, you'll see that I was trying to make arguments from personal experience, not disparaging anyone even though I've been called gross and a weirdo.

But the responses I've received had no intention to discuss anything. They just stated their opinions as right and started attacking me personally instead of fighting my arguments.

At that point, it was pointless to try to debate anymore, so I just gave my opinions on their childish responses.

It's interesting how I've never encountered such behaviour in real life, even when in a heated debate. I reckon the veil of anonymity really lets people bring out the worst in themselves.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2023
Strictly talking about real life, not these fictional stories where in the end everything ends up working out, body count does matter. At least, if you want a stable relationship where the couple is able to pair bond.

I could scream about how cute they are like the rest of the comments, but Kanata just reminded me of two women I met in real life. That's why I couldn't see her as cute and said that. In real life, those women are just trouble.
Who even uses the term pair bonding. Why use those kind of red pill terms and act like any of those things have any concrete evidence.
I don't think I know of many women who care if the girl they're dating has a high body count or not.

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