At least it wasn't that kind of fridging.
Looks like it’s the Chapter 59 office ghostThirding the request for reminding us who this girl in the fridge is.
Oh gawd, this takes the term "corporate slave" to all-new heights.Looks like it’s the Chapter 59 office ghost
The office lady ghost from ch.59.I don't remember the ghost. Someone have a link to her chapter?
Fridge ghost is actually really common, especially at my office. That's the only explanation why my snack keep disappearing.Though... being a fridge ghost... that's one new thing I haven't seen before, nice)
👀Nope, Ghost Makima. Bunny Makima is starring in her own spin-off that hasn't been uploaded yet.
Yep, first chapter has her dressed up like Girlycard from Hellsing Ultimate to perform a John Constatine on a possessed girl.👀
Fridges use so little power... compared with air conditioning.So does a ghost chill your fridge if they inhabit it? If so, that could cut some costs on the power bill. Wonder how many ghosts you'd need in a closet to chill it into a walk in fridge?
Also there is the implication that you have to keep working even in death!
Now that is scary.