While I commend them for not stretching out him being a retard. This was just so stupid to begin with, really if your partner does actions like this without consolting you then GTFO away from them it's usually such a bad red flag on how the relationship will end.
I hope she doesn't forgive him but we all know how stupid series go. I also love how he's "I just thought of her idol side" like no bro you thought only about yourself here. She didn't ask you to break up so it's just your own stupid delusion and the fact you didn't TALK with her about it at all only makes it worse.
That's only cause someone had to literally spell it out for him, if not for her he would've continued being selfish af and not care about how this distancing is affecting her
Smart authors: have a good pace, first meeting then romance, confession, a bit of drama here and there, fluffy moments in between, some promise, big issue, solution and happy ending.
Dumb authors: irregular pace, first meeting then forced drama, MC won't solve sh*t but someone else, reconciliation, rinse and repeat ad nauseam.
Bruh whats up with the immature comment section? I mean he had to stay away from her for her own good so she doesnt have to face the problem like getting dislike by her fans. But yeah
like cutting ties with her all of a sudden. He couldve asked her to not interact in school or couldve formed a group of friends in school by adding like minded ppl with rin such as rin's friends. So he doesnt have to interact with rin specifically inorder to avoid the rumours. She is a celebrity for God sake.