This manga is bad but at least the girls are hot. The author should put the girls in rapey situation to make it better because clearly he couldn't write anything than boring overpower stuffs.
"Do rape because this is boring" is a report and a half in my books. Go read hentai if thats what you want. I also like how THAT is the first thing you go to instead of actually saying what the author could do to make this chapter actually more interesting.
Also, I respecrfully disagree. It would by no means make this manga better. This is not a typical Superhero thing from the 80s where the MC always comes to save the girl.
Also, all the girls here are human (and at least somewhat OP), please explain to me what motivation the demon pillars could POSSIBLY have for what you were suggesting, other than satisfying your twisted view?
But since you default to this even though it makes no sense whatsoever, maybe reevaluate your morals.