Considering how much she seems to enjoy her newfound life as a wife and woman on top of her love for him I doubt she would even consider the divorce but straight out retire. I'm not sure about Korea but if it is similar to Japan than it is really normal for women to stop working the second they get married
Well, she doesnt seem to love the dude enough to leave the idol bussiness, either that or the contract has some pretty terrifying stipulations, I mean he is calling out for a divorce, what kind of producer holds that much power over their artist?
why is the husband's face not fully shown??? it because he's just a minor character or they will soon get divorced so it wouldn't matter???...but then again the title said "my wife.." so it means she will still remain married so again what's the deal with the husband's face???!!!...
This is interesting...
I hope they will stay married and that the husband loves her so much like how she seems to love him...
@boag I don't know about that first one as she seems to really get into the wife role but I know that many korean idols are bound by contract to not get married or to stay single. I once watched some sort of funny idol whatever video on youtube and one of the hosts on a tv show compared the contract to slavery (was supposed to be funny but it still is a bit scary how tight the rules are). Furthermore those idols weren't allowed to really meet the male idol group living in close facilities. Strict segregation. Or something like that. It's been a while I watched that clip
Edit: I just googled "korean idols about contract" and the first search result reads "Slave contract - Wikipedia". Wow that is harsh
@boag She would have to pay a lot of money which she doesn't have for breaking the contract. And if she can't pay, she would have to go to jail. The entertainment industry is hard especially in Asia. If you pissed off one producer, your career is pretty much over.