Is she stupid? What woman lets herself get drunk when she's the only women among a group of men? Guess her son's going to have a little brother soon.
@MangaFreak6 It's a trap! No... I just didn't see her(the other woman at the party) in plain sight, sitting right next to her. But still, getting drunk, lowering inhibitions, passing out next to the co-worker who is crushing on you. It's such a cliche plot development. Watch as they wake up in the same bed after she accidentally vomits all over their clothes or some nonsense. In real life getting so shit faced you black out is very dangerous in a lot of ways. It doesn't have to be getting taken advantage of, there's D.U.I.s, blood alcohol poisoning, choking to death on your own vomit to name a few. What kind of grown up, with a child waiting at home for your return no less, acts like that?