Also 750.81 Norwegian krone.At current exchange rates, 488 yuan equals 67 USD
that's fucking expensive lmaoAt current exchange rates, 488 yuan equals 67 USD
Standard sales tax in china is 17% so do take that into account since it was omitted until sale. USD has an average tax rate of about 6-15%At current exchange rates, 488 yuan equals 67 USD
I always wondered why some fan translations into English liked to convert currencies into Norwegian krone, I've seen it a few times before but I can't remember which mangaAlso 750.81 Norwegian krone.
The price tag for goods or products includes sales tax in almost every country. US and Canada are the two big exceptions. AFAIK in China the price tag shows what you pay, there's no extra tax added in afterwards.Standard sales tax in china is 17% so do take that into account since it was omitted until sale. USD has an average tax rate of about 6-15%
There was a scan group named Norway Scans, their gimmick was translating "No way" into "Norway" and using Norwegian Krone as basis for currency exchange.I always wondered why some fan translations into English liked to convert currencies into Norwegian krone, I've seen it a few times before but I can't remember which manga