Having a lot of trouble overlooking the impossible logistics of Myou's panty cravat. On page 4 she stuffs the two pairs of panties down her shirt, successfully concealing them. They're completely invisible on pages 5 and 6, except as soon as page 7 comes along she's somehow sporting a full underoo ascot as though the frilly panties miraculously migrated from the depths of her blouse to the neckline in spite of her constant awkward fidgeting. Furthermore, we are somehow supposed to believe that the fancy drawers were making this physically improbable northward migration at the same time that the T-back was creeping downwards into position to eventually be deposited on the couch when she stands up, in spite of the fact that its only possible egress is through the bottom of her skirt because her top is clearly tucked, and its final resting place on the couch cushion makes that angle of escape absurd to even contemplate. And don't even get me started on her constantly disappearing and reappearing wristwatch.
Maybe that other teacher at the end should've been a bit more shocked when she looked up her skirt, because I'm pretty sure that inside of Myou's clothing lies a realm where our pathetic notions of time and space cease to hold any meaning.