I mean, I've seen young adults talking about and listing things as icks, and it isn't the concept of icks that bothers me, it's just when really minor things are treated as a whole sin
I suppose there's just the overall 'tiktok' crowd and i've seen vids of some users being older as well and still using 'hello fellow kids' type of phrases. But yeah other than the 'infantalizing' terms, i'm sure there are some ppl where it's like "I was super into him/her, but I ended up rebounding after a week" or so
But like if someone's willing to break up with you over a tiny bad habit or inherent trait you can't 'fix', i imagine you'll run into bigger things in the long run if it's a sign of them potentially being a control freak even if it's not intentionally toxic
Tho it's kinda sad when it's like "Green flag from a romantic partner is (basic human kindness)" rather than it being the lowest bar/standard