Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai: Saijaku Hunter ni Yoru Saikyou Party Ikuseijutsu - Vol. 7 Ch. 33

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 9, 2023
A good twist often recontextualizes the previous events and boy does this ever.
  • She shows up to support to hunters and has them test one by one the mana creatures weakness.
  • She immediately gets uninterested the second Akasha ignores her plans and send out all of them.
  • She wanted Cry to keep Liz away from the site and is surprised as everyone else when she shows up.
  • She "predicted" the location of the enemy base that the mages said should be impossible to find.
  • Kill Kill-kun just happens to be under maintenance.
  • She was surprised by the thunder attack and mocked the mage afterwards because Sophia ordered all the Maris Eaters to attack.
  • CH 30 pg 13 Sophia's reaction shot happens right after Sitry's.
  • She hijacked the golem after Liz arrived
  • Sven notices the golem is modeled after her group's paladin and his fighting style after she takes over.
  • It prioritizes attacking Liz, possibly trying to get the situation back to as planned. Or just because she holds a grudge.
  • Once she agrees it's over the machine immediately gets "defeated" by Cry.
  • Participating in this case just happens to restore her honor (though honestly as long as Cry likes her I doubt she cares all that much besides being more free to acquire experimental materials).
  • Her disguise happens to heavily match Talia, someone who she previously admired the red hair and eyes of.
  • She and Sophia are frequently late to things, except for the case of her specifically returning earlier than planned for the White Wolf Den expedition.
I was previously reading this just as a standard wish fulfillment but the author might have some serious chops.
These twists and points made me bump my rating of the series quite a bit, the author definitely has the writing ability
Aggregator gang
Apr 5, 2024
When Sven warned Hendrick that Sitry was a monster, I wondered just how bad she was relative to the rest of the group. I can't tell if Liz or Sitry is worse.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
I assumed Sitry was Sofia (or was feeding whomever was Sofia the necessary information), but I didn't think she legitimately joined the organization for kicks. She was literally playing chess with herself and using human lives on both sides to further her studies.

I thought she was somewhat normal compared to the other Strange Grief members we met. It's nice to know she's easily the most dangerous so far. I mean she's a downright sociopath and the type you could never tell.

So like at first I thought it was just comical everyone put Cry up on a pedestal when it's all a misunderstanding, but now I see it's a necessity. Like if his upper echelon guild members didn't see him as a God, they'd have destroyed the world by now. Apparently cult fanatics over exaggerating their leader is much less dangerous than godless heatens going unchecked with their ridiculous talents.
I am starting to suspect they call Cry god,

because the party pulled JRPG-kill-god-as-final-boss, and now Cry is the next god. Maybe it ended with crippled memories or something. Cry DID have foresight dreams of the capital burning, so…

Dunno, there’s at least two twists involving Cry still hiding in wait.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
These twists and points made me bump my rating of the series quite a bit, the author definitely has the writing ability
There are plot twists of Cry in the future probably, and I am SOOO going to re-read the whole story to re-contextualize how Cry is (probably) method acting since the beginning.

This story is a lot better than I thought, yeah. Cry for one, probably method acts to bypass truth serums since he already has taken 4-5, or maybe is permanently under mind magic or memory magic or hypnosis self-casted.

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