It is impossible to follow.
It just feels like a random series of brain farts where a handful of reoccurring girl characters are placed in random perverted situations with no planning, thought, or consequences.
There is no plot here. Whatever perceived backstory appears to be going on is just your brain trying to create continuity from coincidence.
The only way this works is as a collection of random artwork with random dialogue. Attempting to read more into it will eventually unfold a whore's world where anyone can end up getting lewd with anyone else based on the author's whim of the day.
If you're hoping for some story about an imouto and her onii-chan, you won't find it here. The "imouto" in the title has no meaning other than at least one of the girls being someone's little sister and as such will occasionally call the reader "onii-chan". Except, the reader is not always "onii-chan". The reader is expected to fill the role of whomever the convenient person happens to be for the girl to expose herself to in any given situation.
It honestly feels like false advertising.
Good hentai adds value to good art with good plot. This one adds no plot value to mediocre art.
We are all just wasting our time.
If you're here for the porn: look elsewhere;
If you're here for the plot: look elsewhere as well.