The Japanese in this manga is pretty simple. Ex. the translation of chapter 32:
Title: Start of a day, lit: one day's beginning
Bubbles right to left, top to bottom:
1. Oi... Stop (doing) that
2. Nothing more will come out
3. No, there's still some left ('mada mada', lit. can still go on, is not finished, still some left, etc. Contextual, lots of meanings)
4. I will squeeze everything out, until (it's) empty (alt. until its all dried up, the point is that the two first panels insinuate that she's squeezing his morning wood dry right in the morning)
5. The two of us are living together, so lets not waste anything(lit. lets use things with care, lets hold things with care, lets make our things dear to us, etc.)
6. Yeah...(lit. yes)