Necromancer, the Ultimate Scourge!

Jan 24, 2023
What a bland story. MC is so overpower he can just sleep and story will just move forward for him. There is nothing in this story to make the story interesting, the side villains has the same Chinese Novel villain tropes, being MC's enemy for nothing and him destroying them.

There is no roadblocks to MC.
Active member
Oct 7, 2018
Ahh, I do love me some low/no stakes OP MC trash manga.
What delicious junk food!
Apr 12, 2024
What a bland story. MC is so overpower he can just sleep and story will just move forward for him. There is nothing in this story to make the story interesting, the side villains has the same Chinese Novel villain tropes, being MC's enemy for nothing and him destroying them.

There is no roadblocks to MC.
So how far have you actually read?

In the most recent English chapter, 126, he almost died.

Actually, starting as of, literally, chapter 126 is when the entire story goes through a massive transition and MC starts to fight real threats. He will still show off being OP at times, but he will frequently be encountering and exploring places that are well above his weight level, and eventually leave the planet to a larger universe with an entirely new power level system.

The Luan Bird is actually the pet of the
unusual powerful Dragon we saw earlier

From the meeting of this character he will assign Lin Moyu a new task sending him to a new area with far stronger enemies, that normally his level doesn't permit.
This dragon is also Lin Moyu's best friend in the story and disgustingly strong... like he could obliterate the planet with a sneeze a trillion literal times over. The people on this planet are actually below the base threshold beyond the planet for proper cultivators. He is pretty hilarious and his favorite pass time is killing Lin Moyu, in the literal sense... due to a soon to acquire ability he gets that is pretty insane but especially for how they use it to make him unlock his potential. This dragon coaches him and prepares him to leave this planet,
though that is still a bit in the distance form now but overall early in the story as this story is very long at over 2k chapters.

He will keep doing these tasks, for a reason I will not spoil, and also we see the demons and dragon race stir up major movements as well as certain other forces I will not spoil. There are quite a large number of times Lin Moyu will come very close to dying between now and the next 100 or so chapters while he is still on this planet.

Further, his power level is actually very low. The leader of the demon race on the planet's connected demon realm could squash Lin Moyu at any time, and there is a very good plot reason that actually doesn't suck for why they do not that proved to be a pretty good surprise plot twist, and not a cliche one. If we compare the current Lin Moyu's power level as of chapter 127 with the higher levels of the human race and other races beyond on a scale of 100 is the upper end and each level is exponentially stronger from 1 -> 100 then Lin Moyu would be basically level 2 on that chart right now. Yes, he is actually that weak. Very long novel.

The system begins to adapt a cultivation and Dao concept system as of level 97 (for everyone else, level 94 for Lin Moyu iirc). Level 100 is the true start to being a cultivator. After level 100 there are no levels. It is actually a cultivation system similar to foundation > core formation > nascent soul... That kind of thing... but using different terms here. For those curious about what Daos Lin Moyu will specialize in:
  • His foremost core Dao is that of immortality which is a superior stage of mixed life & death daos. No one else in the known universe has been able to practice this.
  • He also specializes in the high ranked Daos of time, space, and spacetime merged which are exceptionally rare... in fact time has no practitioners much less spacetime in the current living population of that universe though there were some in the past hinted to have approached it tough still ultra rare. Space is specific to a race friendly to humans, especially because of some complications and also the best heroine of his harem so far is from that race.
  • He also has some ability with some other lesser Daos and even mixing some Daos together to make them stronger, though not quite on par with his top tier ones.
  • His skeletons practice the bone Dao system, though I'm not sure that will be all as more of them gain sentience.
  • He also has been inching towards one day enlightening on the Dao of Chaos, the greatest Dao of all and as far as it seems no one has ever known and is the origin of the universe itself.

Oh and for those curious about how big the world building gets... Well, whatever you take pot shot guesses at is probably way underestimating it...
  • Currently we're on the planet he reincarnated on.
  • Later he leaves to be part of one of the four major galaxies of humankind. There are also nearby regions he will visit outside those galaxies that mix with other races on ancient battlefields which is much more interesting than I initially expected it to be.
  • Later it opens up to the entire human system which is composed of the four major galaxy territories, each of which composes countless smaller sub-galaxies far bigger than our Milkyway. It also has a central one, the most important, I will not spoil.
  • Lin Moyu visits many alien territories beyond the human, in fact creating a hilarious legend the process...
  • There is a far larger kind of void space (it isn't actually a void, but it is immensely damaged and scattered space) beyond all this composing the majority of the universe and was damaged during the war with another universe. Yes, another universe.
  • Speaking of other universes this story is now working on a a multi-verse war with other universes. One of its representations is our universe is a marble colliding with another in a vast ocean beyond this universe and it has some interesting concepts/mechanics with regards to how all this works, power levels of universes, etc.

The villains you've been seeing so far are mostly just normal brats and a few lower ranked demons/dragons. I'm not even going to do a spoiler tag for what is coming because there is just too much and it is too complex, but all of your concerns about the villains, lack of roadblocks, cliches, and nothing to make the story interesting are pretty much tossed out the window soon for like the next 2000 chapters (yes, we're not even that far into the story still). They're going to start lifting the veil on a lot of stuff with major twists coming up. This planet, the leveling system, and so much more are not what they seem.

Main character will start getting a lot of new abilities soon, including a passion for fighting as melee fighter (and he is actually very strong at it, and it is one of his trump cards later for burst damage against particularly powerful enemies but it has considerable limits), his multiple Daos, quite a few new types of summons, new summon related abilities, some pretty sick abilities (one of my favorites
is the utterly gargantuan eye that opens from illusary gates in the sky, think Sauron but bigger than planets, that sweeps over obliterating the souls of vast armies across entire galaxies... or at least as it gets stronger
), and to anyone wondering... Yes, he can send out his summons later to act on their own searching planets, entire galaxies, and further with basic commands and eventually has generals with sentience that can lead them (I suspect the entire army will gain sentience eventually due to some details where I last read before taking a break while more chapters came out).
Nov 28, 2024
So how far have you actually read?

In the most recent English chapter, 126, he almost died.

Actually, starting as of, literally, chapter 126 is when the entire story goes through a massive transition and MC starts to fight real threats. He will still show off being OP at times, but he will frequently be encountering and exploring places that are well above his weight level, and eventually leave the planet to a larger universe with an entirely new power level system.

The Luan Bird is actually the pet of the
unusual powerful Dragon we saw earlier

From the meeting of this character he will assign Lin Moyu a new task sending him to a new area with far stronger enemies, that normally his level doesn't permit.
This dragon is also Lin Moyu's best friend in the story and disgustingly strong... like he could obliterate the planet with a sneeze a trillion literal times over. The people on this planet are actually below the base threshold beyond the planet for proper cultivators. He is pretty hilarious and his favorite pass time is killing Lin Moyu, in the literal sense... due to a soon to acquire ability he gets that is pretty insane but especially for how they use it to make him unlock his potential. This dragon coaches him and prepares him to leave this planet,
though that is still a bit in the distance form now but overall early in the story as this story is very long at over 2k chapters.

He will keep doing these tasks, for a reason I will not spoil, and also we see the demons and dragon race stir up major movements as well as certain other forces I will not spoil. There are quite a large number of times Lin Moyu will come very close to dying between now and the next 100 or so chapters while he is still on this planet.

Further, his power level is actually very low. The leader of the demon race on the planet's connected demon realm could squash Lin Moyu at any time, and there is a very good plot reason that actually doesn't suck for why they do not that proved to be a pretty good surprise plot twist, and not a cliche one. If we compare the current Lin Moyu's power level as of chapter 127 with the higher levels of the human race and other races beyond on a scale of 100 is the upper end and each level is exponentially stronger from 1 -> 100 then Lin Moyu would be basically level 2 on that chart right now. Yes, he is actually that weak. Very long novel.

The system begins to adapt a cultivation and Dao concept system as of level 97 (for everyone else, level 94 for Lin Moyu iirc). Level 100 is the true start to being a cultivator. After level 100 there are no levels. It is actually a cultivation system similar to foundation > core formation > nascent soul... That kind of thing... but using different terms here. For those curious about what Daos Lin Moyu will specialize in:
[SPOILER = "Daos de Cultivo de Lin Moyu"]
  • Seu principal Dao central é o da imortalidade, que é um estágio superior de daos mistos de vida e morte. Ninguém mais no universo conhecido foi capaz de praticar isso.
  • Ele também é especialista nos Daos de alto escalão do tempo, espaço e espaço-tempo mesclados, que são excepcionalmente raros... na verdade, o tempo não tem praticantes, muito menos espaço-tempo na população viva atual daquele universo, embora tenha havido alguns no passado sugeridos que se aproximaram dele, embora ainda ultra raros. O espaço é específico para uma raça amigável aos humanos, especialmente por causa de algumas complicações e também a melhor heroína de seu harém até agora é dessa raça.
  • Ele também tem alguma habilidade com alguns outros Daos menores e até mesmo mistura alguns Daos para torná-los mais fortes, embora não tão forte quanto seus Daos de nível superior.
  • Seus esqueletos praticam o sistema do Dao dos ossos, embora eu não tenha certeza se isso será tudo, pois mais deles ganharão consciência.
  • Ele também está caminhando para um dia esclarecer sobre o Tao do Caos, o maior Tao de todos e, até onde parece, ninguém jamais soube qual é a origem do próprio universo.

Ah, e para aqueles curiosos sobre o quão grande a construção do mundo fica... Bem, qualquer coisa que você faça palpites aleatórios provavelmente está subestimando muito...
  • Atualmente estamos no planeta em que ele reencarnou.
  • Mais tarde, ele parte para fazer parte de uma das quatro maiores galáxias da humanidade. Também há regiões próximas que ele visitará fora dessas galáxias que se misturam com outras raças em campos de batalha antigos, o que é muito mais interessante do que eu esperava inicialmente.
  • Mais tarde, ele se abre para todo o sistema humano, que é composto pelos quatro principais territórios de galáxias, cada um dos quais compõe inúmeras subgaláxias menores, muito maiores que a nossa Via Láctea. Ele também tem uma central, a mais importante, não vou estragar.
  • Lin Moyu visita muitos territórios alienígenas além dos humanos, criando de fato uma lenda hilária sobre o processo...
  • Há um tipo muito maior de espaço vazio (não é realmente um vazio, mas é um espaço imensamente danificado e espalhado) além de tudo isso compondo a maioria do universo e foi danificado durante a guerra com outro universo. Sim, outro universo.
  • Falando de outros universos, esta história agora está trabalhando em uma guerra multiverso com outros universos. Uma de suas representações é que nosso universo é uma bola de gude colidindo com outra em um vasto oceano além deste universo e tem alguns conceitos/mecânicas interessantes com relação a como tudo isso funciona, níveis de poder dos universos, etc.

Os vilões que você tem visto até agora são, na maioria, pirralhos normais e alguns demônios/dragões de classificação mais baixa. Eu nem vou dar spoilers do que está por vir porque é muita coisa e é muito complexo, mas todas as suas preocupações com os vilões, falta de obstáculos, clichês e nada para tornar a história interessante são praticamente jogadas pela janela em breve, pelos próximos 2000 capítulos (sim, ainda nem estamos tão longe na história). Eles vão começar a levantar o véu de muitas coisas com grandes reviravoltas surgindo. Este planeta, o sistema de nivelamento e muito mais não são o que parecem.

O personagem principal começará a ganhar muitas habilidades novas em breve, incluindo uma paixão por lutar como lutador corpo a corpo (e ele é realmente muito forte nisso, e é um de seus trunfos mais tarde para dano explosivo contra inimigos particularmente poderosos, mas tem limites consideráveis), seus múltiplos Daos, alguns novos tipos de invocações, novas habilidades relacionadas a invocações, algumas habilidades bem legais (uma das minhas favoritas
é o olho totalmente gigantesco que se abre de portões ilusórios no céu, pense em Sauron, mas maior que planetas, que varre e destroi as almas de vastos exércitos por galáxias inteiras... ou pelo menos conforme ele fica mais forte
), e para quem estiver se perguntando... Sim, ele pode enviar suas invocações mais tarde para agir em seus próprios planetas de busca, galáxias inteiras e mais além com comandos básicos e, eventualmente, tem generais com consciência que podem liderá-los (suspeito que todo o exército ganhará consciência eventualmente devido a alguns detalhes que li pela última vez antes de fazer uma pausa enquanto mais capítulos eram lançados).
Tem algum fórum br para indicar?

Estou querendo discutir sobre, mas só achei um discord gringo
Apr 12, 2024
Tem algum fórum br para indicar?

Estou querendo discutir sobre, mas só achei um discord gringo
The only place I know is the site and only on individual chapters, not a global discussion for the entire manga. It is ahead of this site, for now, in translation too. Hopefully they start updating here soon, too, since it is actually getting to the good parts from here on (technically a little further, when he reaches the central area but this is pretty soon). The story up to this point is slow and not as good, compared to what is coming.

As for the novel? Well, the novel has currently 3,259 chapters on reader-hub (was previous called MTLnation but apparently got rebranded multiple times as project passed on because owner left to take care of family and stuff) and the manga is basically doing about a chapter per novel chapter, iirc, so... the manga will basically never catch up to the novel because it is adding new chapters so fast (it was around 2,300 when I last checked it a few months ago dang).

I will warn you about the novel translation if it is using the same translation from the prior hosted site: It is likely still machine translated. This is mostly fine, but it might take reading like 5-8 chapters to fully adapt and once you do, honestly speaking, you will almost never notice it as an issue. I recall some genders being reversed so whenever I saw a gender I assumed it was opposite until context advised otherwise (I think I only went more than one chapter once confused about a gender I figured out like 3-4 chapters later). The numbers for stats are a bit of a mess but stats become irrelevant very shortly at just slightly past where we are in the manga. They're going to balloon a ton soon when he reaches the central area of this zone and is teleported to a deeper layer. At that point we don't actually care about stats anymore and it is more about strategy. After level 100 they outright abandon levels/stats and it uses cultivation levels and Daos, instead, for the rest of the story (this isn't done in a weird way though, there is a logical reason explained later on that is actually adequate).

Mods: I don't see anything advising not to cite other links at times, but know that some sites/boards are more picky than others so if it is an issue just censor the sites, preferably, or if need be delete this post I guess if you can't just censor it. If it is even an issue that is.
Nov 28, 2024
O único lugar que conheço é o site e apenas em capítulos individuais, não uma discussão global para o mangá inteiro. Ele está à frente deste site, por enquanto, em tradução também. Espero que eles comecem a atualizar aqui em breve também, já que está realmente chegando às partes boas daqui em diante (tecnicamente um pouco mais longe, quando ele chega à área central, mas isso é muito em breve). A história até este ponto é lenta e não tão boa, comparada ao que está por vir.

Quanto ao romance? Bem, o romance tem atualmente 3.259 capítulos no reader-hub (anteriormente era chamado de MTLnation, mas aparentemente foi renomeado várias vezes, pois o projeto foi repassado porque o dono saiu para cuidar da família e outras coisas) e o mangá está basicamente fazendo cerca de um capítulo por capítulo do romance, se bem me lembro, então... o mangá basicamente nunca alcançará o romance porque está adicionando novos capítulos muito rápido (eram cerca de 2.300 quando eu verifiquei pela última vez alguns meses atrás, droga).

Vou avisá-lo sobre a tradução do romance se estiver usando a mesma tradução do site hospedado anteriormente: provavelmente ainda é traduzido por máquina. Isso é bom, mas pode levar de 5 a 8 capítulos para se adaptar completamente e, depois que você fizer isso, honestamente falando, você quase nunca notará isso como um problema. Lembro-me de alguns gêneros sendo invertidos, então sempre que eu via um gênero, presumia que era o oposto até que o contexto aconselhasse o contrário (acho que só fui mais de um capítulo uma vez confuso sobre um gênero que descobri 3 a 4 capítulos depois). Os números para estatísticas são um pouco confusos, mas as estatísticas se tornam irrelevantes muito em breve, um pouco depois de onde estamos no mangá. Eles vão aumentar muito em breve quando ele atingir a área central desta zona e for teletransportado para uma camada mais profunda. Nesse ponto, não nos importamos mais com estatísticas e é mais sobre estratégia. Após o nível 100, eles abandonam completamente os níveis/atributos e usam níveis de cultivo e Daos, em vez disso, pelo resto da história (isso não é feito de uma forma estranha, porém, há uma razão lógica explicada mais tarde que é realmente adequada).

Mods: Não vejo nada aconselhando a não citar outros links às vezes, mas saiba que alguns sites/fóruns são mais exigentes do que outros, então se for um problema, apenas censure os sites, de preferência, ou se necessário, apague este post, eu acho, se você não puder, apenas censure. Se for mesmo um problema, é isso.
Eu estou acompanhando a novel (3268) e o manhwa, principalmente para ver as mudanças que existem de um para o outro.
Atualmente é meu romance favorito, apesar da dificuldade da tradução em cima de tradução (que tbm dificulta entender os gêneros e nomes), e da regionalidade pra entender algumas referências e ditados populares que o autor cita direto.

Mas se achar algum fórum ou Discord do pessoal discutindo o romance, compartilha aí.
Jul 2, 2020
Oh shit this absolute PEAK got a manhwa? I remember reading this back from when it started releasing the novel on mtlnation. I vaguely remember ppl on mtlnation mentioning it was gonna get an adaptation but didn't check up on it after mtlnation went down. currently just stacking chaps past 2117 where I stopped to binge read later.

I love this fic. Gonna start the manhwa version soon, I have high expectations :D

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