Shit really? 🫠man each time there is a new chapter I am reminded of how close to the end of the novel we are. I really hope they somehow are able to continue this farther.
No,we need so much more of her,Helvi gets to read all of those hilarious fantisies,after all.That noble really needs to be written out already.
We need more of her.Ugh. Give me more Helvi and Theo, and less (preferably none) of the lesbian noble. Only saving grace is that she doesn't appear to have amy chance of getting any kind of action with Helvi.
You'd be surprisedand have none of the Twitter psychos
"At this point",it's been easily 40+ years of it being used,romantic rivals have never been limited by gender when the Japanese get their ink brush stained tentacles to work.You'd be surprised
I've seen enough "say gex sesbian lex" for me to be sick of them for a lifetime
At the very least keep those comments in ACTUAL yuri manga instead of straight shit (this includes romcoms with yuriBAIT like this one)
Funnily enough fujoshis/fudanshis seem tamer now in comparison, since they stay in their lane
edit: other than "cuz yurifans are annoying" though, there is also the fact that there have been SO MANY romcoms using the "bitchy jealous lesbian cockblock" trope that its just so damn annoying at this point
There are two factors at play.We need more of her.
Why are there so many Goddamn lesbian haters these days on Mangadex?,for the one place where lesbians are portrayed in a likeable way,fictional entertainment media,and have none of the Twitter psychos is where no one should be having a problem with them.
"Annoying way possible",like the usual -deres aren't all done the same way,along with the pick up artists,the teachers who don't actually fix anything,parents who do Jack Squat for their children,police so anemic they need medical asistance,yakuza thugs doing anything but what the hit series of games portray,underlings who wish to do things against better judgement,old Karen SJWs ranting at minimum wage workers,loosing childhood friends who end up nowhere despite being objectively better in some regard,or animated adaptations that completely downgrade the value of the original comic.There are two factors at play.
First, I'm not interested in yuri, so of course the less there is in the manga I read the better it is.
Second, lesbian characters in straight romcons and harems are often writren in the most annoying possible way and that conditioned me to hate them on sight.
I don't have a problem with people who enjoy yuri nor with lesbian people in general. It's a specific manga trope that I hate.