@Nenechu You must be. Few would read 70 chapters of a manga if they hated one of the two main characters, in a slice of life manga with no plot whatsoever.
@Mr-BoyMan_Dude I'd very likely dislike this is the genders were reversed. Bias galore!
@Mr-BoyMan_Dude: Do we have to remind you that nobody forces you to read this? Don't like it, don't read it, and don't bother to proclaim your hatred of the very premise to those who aren't interested in hearing it.
@Mr-BoyMan_Dude: I've seen this sentiment expressed in the same manner way and meant completely seriously too many times to give you the benefit of the doubt.
@Mr-BoyMan_Dude: And how am I supposed to know any of that? I've seen lots of people who are completely serious in their hatred of such manga and yet insist on re-expressing said hatred with every new release despite people pushing back and questioning why they continue to follow the mangas in question (which is always met with shitty excuses pretending to be far more sophisticated than they are).