You can certainly argue that his personality and motivations make sense given his backstory. I just don't really find him compelling as a protagonist. For me, the protagonist needs to be likeable or interesting. He showed some nuance early on, but it seemed to peter out as the story went along until we're left with just all brooding all the time.
The action isn't exciting or thoughtful enough to read for that. The presence of that goddess really harms the tension because you can never be sure whether he's in actual danger or she's just going to step in and resolve it instantly. The plot is incredibly basic. The art isn't bad, but isn't good enough to be a selling point. Some of the chapter title pages are nice, but most of the panels are pretty basic. If the mc's not sympathetic enough for me to want to see his revenge through and not interesting enough for it to be a character study, I'm just not what there is to care about. There's just nothing about this series that really grips me.
Comparisons to Berserk are kinda inevitable for me given that the second chapter basically lifts a scene right out of it. This manga's version of it completely lacks any of the emotional weight Berserk's had. Overall the comparison between the two is not favorable. The characters in Berserk are dynamic, nuanced and multidimensional. The art is godlike. The action is tense, brutal, and cathartic. The plot has incredible scope. It's brimming with rich emotions and themes.
I'm not saying a manga has to be Berserk for me to enjoy it, but you understand what I'm saying right? Other manga have a lot more going on and set it up in far fewer chapters.
I think the pacing of the story is a major issue for me. The conflicts resolve too quickly to have real impact. It starts out as an essentially episodic adventure for a few chapters then shifts into wrapping up the revenge with little buildup. Each episodic story ends before I have the chance to care about any of the one off characters. It should have either progressed directly to the revenge or spent much longer on the adventure leading up to it. Now it's stuck in this awkward middleground where it's a straight revenge story, but the plot took several random diversions before it got back on course. I'm not sure if this is the course the author had in mind or it just got axed.
Anyway, I'm just rambling to myself trying to figure out why I didn't really feel this one. If it was just the usual garbage I wouldn't have bothered at all. This one felt like it had all the right ingredients, but just didn't stick the landing for me. I think the ultimate issue is that I just did not connect with the protagonist. With his revenge over, there was the opportunity to take him in an interesting direction, but it looks like the manga is over too. At least the author had the courage to branch out from yaoi doujins. Hopefully they'll get another chance.