The story went for "hypocrite". She's been extremely clear that she hates being treated like a cat by anyone else. The story outright has her snap at a fellow cat monster thing for calling her a cat. Which flies in the face of the cat cafe thing.
I think that's a pretty strong reading of the way she's presented in the story - sure, "hypocrite" has an objective meaning that
maybe applies, but it's a word with very strong negative connotations which I don't think are at all justified in this case.
Mii-chan has a very clear pattern of blowing up about something, and saying and doing things that are quite obviously driven by her strong emotions rather than any rational decision making. Almost immediately afterwards she realises she's not acting rationally and . . . well, most of the time she ends up doubling down on it (though occasionally she does back off a bit), and then later on she ends up dealing with the consequences.
Saying she didn't want to be treated like a cat was one of those cases where she blew up and doubled down on it, and she's been suffering from the consequences ever since. Confessing to Takase was another, and when she doubled down on
that by kissing him it basically blew
everything up; all the other, less impactful, cases are similar. That's not behaviour that, to my mind, justifies the negative conntations associated with hypocrisy - it's not self-serving or dishonest, and the only person it's really hurting is herself. It's stupid, sure, but as I said, it's also "yeah, she's a teenager".
We really don't know anything at all about why she's working at the cat cafe - maybe she's just doing it for the cash, maybe there are family reasons, or maybe there's something compelling her to work there; regardless, it's clearly a job, and one she had before any of this stuff happened - it's a bit unreasonable to accuse her of hypocrisy because she doesn't immediately drop her job after an emotional outburst . . . She
did continue to insist that she wanted to be treated as a human rather than a cat, but that was very clearly because she wanted to be in a "proper" relationship with Takase, which obviously wouldn't be possible if the only thing between them was him wanting to pet her cat form. The longer she kept insisting on that while keeping her job the more it does seem like hypocrisy, but I don't think it
did last very long - it's hard to tell, though, given there's not much in the story to give a sense of time passing, and it's definitely no longer the case.
So I would definitely dispute your characterisation of her as a hypocrite. The worst you could say is that she has poor impulse control and isn't necessarily all that rational - pretty much synonymous with being a teenager, particularly a teenager in love.