Netsuzou Trap - NTR

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@ yc4ever:

That is because,in the rotten minds of yurifags,if a lesbian have sex with a gay,she is ¿somehow? still "pure".A pure lesbian i mean.

Yes,I don't understand it either.
Mar 24, 2018
Actually wouldn't be surprised if that was the whole point of "yaoi" omake. I mean, miss Kodama could've been just having fun with the tropes, but for whatever reason i doubt that was the case. Then again, she really likes drama, so maybe she just wanted to add another layer of the icing to the already overstacked cake. Who knows.

Btw, i really enjoyed it. Some people call it trash (or "NTR crap"), but i think it's a fun ride. Maybe too melodramatic and tad bit too long, but fun nonetheless. Solid 6.5, maybe seven if you take art into account.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018

The mental gymnastics on display here are absolutely amazeing. If you did even the smallest bit of research on the sub genere youd find that 2 of the biggest mangas in yuri have a 100% hetero guy go out or have sex with the main character. The whole lets make the guys gay thing is and was a joke that started in chapter 1 because its very obvious how this was going to end yes the fans asked for it so she delivered on it.

Now you obviously don't like yuri so my question to you is why are you here on a yuri manga. Oh and the whole pure thing is meme that has grown to mean no sex so no these two arnt "pure".
Mar 24, 2018
Lots of bad reasoning, so conjuring "mental gymnastics" sounds somewhat freudian on your part:

Now you obviously don't like yuri

He obviously doesn't like yuri fags, but there's nothing about attitude towards genre itself in there.

youd find that 2 of the biggest mangas in yuri have a 100% hetero guy go out or have sex with the main character

- Define "biggest"
- Besides, that's anecdotal, and we're playing numbers game here.
- You're talking about genre, he's referring to it's fanbase (and not even on the whole, just the "rotten" subset of it). ...Unless you consider yourself one with yuri.

- You could've also thrown in those titles.
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2018
Another sugar coated misogynist story about a dark-haired girl portrayed as a helpless damsel in distress needing to be saved by a light-haired MC. A typical Kodama Naoko product.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Not that I think this manga is actually any good, but I did laugh at the author deciding to double down on the two guys' homoerotic undertones at the end.


May 5, 2018
If you like NTR go for it cucklord

This manga surely felt like the author and the artist is the same person and IT IS because the wording/phrasing is so fucking horrible that I just want to puke from this endless drama bullshit and how the fuck does it have so high ratings? I can't fathom it since the only good out of it is just wasting my fucking time.

Where is the creator from? Korea? since I really feel a similar vibes to NTR freaks in korea like this one but it has less DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA but the plot is surely stupid, if I was a character in this I would fucking end my life with no fucks given. If this happened IRL nearby me "atleast so I can experience it" I would've already cut my wrists to release me from the utter idiocy these idiots caused me to experience.

If I compare this written crap to a light novel like Renegade Immortal the difference is like earth and heaven.

What I say is that only retard cucklords can enjoy irritating trash like this one.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
We do not attack poster for expressing opinions. You are perfectly capable of being critical of a manga without resorting to verbally abusing those who enjoy the series.

I normally give warnings for first time offenders but your language usage here is quite offensive. Please take a couple days off from commenting and use that time to review our rules and consider how to post more constructively in the future.


Aug 31, 2019
Didn't expect a Yaoi fanservice chapter in the end but why not.
Got really hurt by... the NTR. Shouldn't have read since I hate it but idk why I finished this in one day xD
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 4, 2020
this one had way too much angst for me, but at least she came to the conclusion that she is in fact a lesbian and in love with hotaru. it was a painful ride and the two epilogue chapters helped. the last one explained a lot of why fujiwari’s does what he did
Aggregator gang
Jan 11, 2020
Hey, if you can understand and apprechiate the appeal of soap-opera Drama. You will love this. Just like I did. Who cares what haters think. Enjoy the ride!
Jun 22, 2018
It's bad, not even a good romance. Most of the characters are not likeable (Takeda is too good for this). Their relationship is so fuck up.
the only interest I had reading it was to see how bad the story was going to be.
Jul 27, 2019
I liked this a lot. Its main theme really was just about the girls coming to terms with their sexuality and learning that denying that part doesn't only hurt themselves but also people around them.

I don't think it only deserves a 6.2 score. Honestly I'm not sure about what the people who are complaining about the cheating or the girls turning out to lesbians are even doing here because it should be pretty clear from the tags, description and title that those were going to be subject of this manga. Don't like, don't read, it's as simple as that.

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