Absolutely worth your time. The characters are genuine and the plot makes good pace with the events and "drama" that occur. I'm not big on crossdressing but this manga really goes beyond it.
This is actually a really good slice of cake 9/10, damn this a great read, though I would like to see the roles switch were Mc actually female and stuff would be interesting, but it’s hella good....
Didn't like it at all. It could have been a good idea but the main character is such a pathological lier it's not even funny. And manipulative in the end. What sets me off is that this manga tries to picture this in a good light.
I'll be interested to see how this eventually plays out. After 60 chapters i'm still on the fence a bit, it feels like there's going to hit a limit on the misunderstandings and the amount of times the plot/joke of about to come out and something happens can be repeated. The odd self aware of the mac being in a manga kind of throws me as well