How long does to take to explain to someone they are vampire when they are growing fangs, and lost their mind for 5 seconds and started drinking a persons blood and have recovered/healed from a stabbing in only a few hours. Is that not enough ?
Also, they call her zombie, but shouldnt it be Ghoul ? Shes no zombie, but Ghoul sounds right.
Also, what vampire power ? all the MC did was shout into his roof ?. Is that all it takes to restore her mind ?
Numerous other questions too. Bloodiers looked like more like devils, not vampires at all.. So does taht mean a "successful" bloodier will turn into a sexy devil girl ? Will go go through the physical transformation ? Wings, tail, horns ?
Any finally. About the Vamp slayer. Well not the first time I seen someone tried to kill the MC before an awakening, but then later accepts them. But will have to see how it pans out.. I still feel its obvious she let him live. Otherwise she wouldnt of let him crawl away.
My opinion hasnt change since the chapter 0, but hey, here for the devils and girls ^_~ until I cant bare the story anymore.