@KhalE it all depends on the structure of words and if you want to get everything completely correct for a translation, japanese can go very simple to stupidly complex if I remember correctly, I think the better way to understand is we have ai that is capable or self teaching itself languages, and yet google translate of something japanese still comes out as barely legible. granted, time it takes is also part of skill, though looking at the sentences, I can't imagine they were easy to translate
as for the rest, cleaning/typesetting/redrawing, its a piece of cake if you have a tablet, makes everything so much easier, redrawing can be infuriating, but its more of a puzzle then it is skill due to today's photoshop. never liked the typesetting part, I would had that off to others more often then not, usually only starting once things were typeset so I knew what work was required in redrawing.