why does the thief have higher strength, higher vitality, lower agility, and lower dexterity than the fighter?......
i mean, i guess it is prob either randomly generated or it is based on race, but still, you would think that being a fighter would give you more strength and vitality than a thief, and being a thief would give you more dexterity and agility than a fighter.... i guess at level one, maybe classes don't affect stats.... or something
Also, when she says that it is hi-ba-ri not hibari, what exactly is the difference in pronunciation - as far as i know, pronunciation in japanese is very consistent(?) and has nothing like pronouncing like with hard "i" because of vowel-consonant-"e" so i am not sure what she would be trying to correct - i mean i know that things are not always read the way they are written, but since this is the same either way, i'm really not sure - i mean if i had to guess it would be that he said something like hībari rather than hībārī or something like that, but again, since japanese has always appeared to be extremely regular in its pronunciation(tho admittedly, i don't really know much, so i might be completely mistaken), i am really not sure — basically, i do not get the nuance between hibari and hi-ba-ri (and even if i looked at raws it wouldn't mean a thing to me since i can't read japanese(or speak it for that matter))
On a side note, when she said that, the first thing that i thought of was hermione berating ron and (maybe) harry on their pronounciation of wingardium leviosa (it's not leviooosa it is leviosaaa )
also, they are pretty small for 13yo - i mean, esp since they’re girls, they most likely(i mean i guess that some people don't.....) would have had a growth spurt by then, and should be taller than a bit above his waist....
on a side note, thx
@Mathiason - i was kinda confused about cruel depiction reduction(especially since I read it as 'cruel description reduction' lol)