
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
After the hiatus, this new arc kinda redone the the character. They literally dig their old mistake which lead to terrible outcome before. Have they learn nothing ?
Yato, once again, sneaked and do some shit but say nothing
Yukine doubt his master, think he get abandoned. again
Hiyori probably gonna save their ass again, as usual.
Apr 14, 2019
The storytelling takes waaay to long, and characters are making same mistakes as back then. The format worked at first because it was fresh, but it’s already been done in this manga once. Disappointing, I won’t lie.
Apr 17, 2020
Oh man. Noragami was one of my favorites but now it's just depressing to read. There's no progress in their growth, they're stuck in a limbo. Can't wait for this arc to end because it's really shitty. You can't prolong depressing stuff for sooo long it gets really taxing to reading
May 23, 2020
I have just read it and haven’t gotten the time to throughly reflect on it since I did it so fast, but to me, that have the whole story so fresh in mind, this seems beautifully written.

When I think of it, the manga has been pointing out since day one how death is distressful and how one should value their life above all. Only those who cherish it can become shinki. They portrait it as if facing the demons that were left in a past life is the downfall of any spirit, since it is stained with the longing for life. So to be honest, Yukine isn’t being a brat, to me. He is going down the path that is expected of any shinki when faced with their past lives. He was even doing fine with Yato’s absence, until that shadow bestowed upon him.

All characters seem to me very faithful to their nature and personalities. Yukine’s need for care and attention has also been pictured before, and then he learned that love doesn’t come in form of material belongings. He learned to trust himself more, to be at ease and calm even when Yato has bad behaviors such as going missing or losing control, even when the thing he eagers the most is Yato’s approval.

Also, motivations are on point because the aggravating event which is Yato abandoning him simply can’t be helped. The character’s grown past his selfishness but he can’t help it since what he is doing is exactly to try to protect his shinki from the exact fate he is going down right now.

At the background, the story plays over and over with the concept of good and evil, pointing out all the gray areas on every creature, being it a god, a human, a shinki, an ayakashi or both. Ebisu being the one who walks the middle line and embraces both good and evil and Yato being that who crosses the lines, without turning away from his nature to “cull the herd”, which to me opens up to interpretation to who that herd might be.
May 21, 2020
I really like it. I wish some of the chapters could have been a little longer but this is one of the first manga I read. I watched the anime and continued with the manga and I love it.
I wish Hiyori and Yato could have more development. At this point I only see a bittersweet ending with those two so thats going to be sad

It gets sad but It makes you think a little bit. It does get annoying because the characters repeat mistakes and some of the chapters feel so short. The current Arc feels a little slow to develop but I still like the story.
Mar 8, 2018
everybody be saying they grow bored from Noragami and meanwhile I am sitting here, being excited. If Noragami had a flaw, it would be that the chapters are just so damn short.
Feb 26, 2020
Yukine is so fucking annoying I hope yaro kills him and finds someone way better than him
Dec 19, 2019
it's just depressing to read now, even after a month we cant see a resolve to make things better in the story, because we have to wait a whole month for a new chapter
Apr 3, 2020
can the series finally be concluded? it’s been stretched way out and i’m starting to forget some arcs 😔
Sep 12, 2019
I lovr noragami but the latest chapters makes me sooo sad and depressing, I just hope the trio will have a happy ending bc it hurts so much :(
Feb 26, 2020
Yukine is really getting annoying tbh like I love this series but every time yukine throws tantrums like these I really wanna drop this series
Mar 8, 2018
lol, the hatred for Yukine in this comment section is real.
I don't really get why but I guess to each their own.
Apr 25, 2018
i'm going to watch the anime ALL over again so I can remember START OVER here... i forgot almost absolutely EVERYTHIIIING. I missed this tho 😭, so it'll be worth it.

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