You ever have a perception of something, feeling so strongly about it, and knowing if it played out 10000 times, you'd feel that exact way 99999 times? well, this is the example of that 1/10000. I've never made a comment on here, and frankly, I'm pretty averse to this entire lifestyle if I'm being honest. But, I do appreciate the rawness of how these characters feel and the real life narratives that it can play. While most will laugh at how ridiculous it all can seem, it isn't all that strange once you take out the specific scenarios from friends walking in to having a girl you loved who was never honest with her feelings until it was far too late and you were far too hurt, and understanding what kind of pain it takes to rekindle that; to not only think, but act on it for the best outcome of you both that fills as much of you as possible.
I'm sorry for the tangent, especially as there are relatively no comments anywhere and this series is bound to keep throwing spitfire (most wild first 25 chapters of any "romance" I've ever read forsure) but I wanted to comment on this in the hopes anyone else had a tightened feeling in their chest, whether they've felt this before or it stings for the first time as if it happened to them, so that we can reflect on the nuances of life and find solace in them as a community. I truly think that's what makes art, of any form, beautiful