I just came to complain about the chess close-up on pg34... the artist obviously has never played chess before.
The pawn that was already diagonal from the king has the king in "check"... which means it can kill the king on its next move. That means white must either kill that pawn or move the king immediately, before black moves again. Yet the panel is shown with MC moving a different pawn...
If the opponent leaves their king in check... KILL THE KING. There is no such thing as "double check", so you don't earn bonus points or anything.
i also noticed the same thing. Im not any chess prodigy but i know at least the basic rules of chess and instantly noticed white king being in check on page 32, afterwards MC seems to move the E pawn forward and "double checkmating" with that pawn.
Also if you pay even more attention, the author also messed up queen's and king's starting positions, they should be reversed (queen should start right side of king). White can be understandable as her pieces have moved but blacks are definitely still in starting positions.
im more suprised the chess board is at least correctly oriented (A1 is black tile). This is more common mistake when anyone not-so-chess-knowledgeable tries to represent chess game in any situations.
Anyone interested to know, black does have a slight advantage (if assumed they would have played according to rules from page 32). If we assume the demon king is actuslly really bad and greedy with moves, MC would have gained pretty easy captures, like H rook after Bb7 and she wouldny have tried to block with any pawns