I wasn't sure with the raw, but now that we got a proper translation, can't believe Tsumiki actually felt "jealous" of the chest of Yumenaka. She didn't seems to care about stuff like that. Well, maybe there is another factor for such jealousy? (A factor with blond hair, dot eyes and a an obsession with helping other people

Anyway, nice chapter. Tsukimi's reaction to Yutaka getting "hit on" was funny. And damn Yutaka, how much are you good at seing little detail?
So, this Succubus girl is goint to be a reccuring character? I'm fine with that. I hope we will explore the bad side of being like by people because of some species power, like with lil' Senga.
And damn, I tought Spider girl would become a rival, but no, author is going the succubus route for that, since Yumnaka seems quite interested in our boy. Funnily enough, I tought with the raw that she wouldn't be a rival, but now with the translation, she really seems like she will become one.
Well, why not, why not. I just want to see more Yutaka X Tsukimi moment, and I'm not against a catalyst.
Anyway, thanks for the translation.