why after viz licensed a series, the pirate TL always dropped the series?
why not just continue the series, so there will be 2 ver of TL?
I've written my explanations in the credit page, but since people don't seem to be capable of reading, I'll write it out here again.
1. In our case, Viz licensed the series to do a simulpub. Simulpub here stands for
simultaneous publishing. Meaning that the English chapters will be released on the
same day as the Japanese chapters. This means our translations will be
permanently a week or more behind.
2. Scanlation isn't our job. We do this purely out of passion, which is a limited resource. What's the point in chasing a simulpub only for a
potentially marginal (if any) increase in quality, when there are so many other series out there without any proper English translation, official or not? Translating, redrawing, and typesetting take several hours per step, which is a significant chunk of our free time. Regardless, the whole purpose of scanlation is for us to provide an alternative when there is none, to support the mangaka by drawing attention to the series. NOT for us make money, since it's not our work to begin with.
3. Then there's also the legal and moral implication of drawing viewers away from an official translation which provides revenue for both the publisher and the mangaka themselves.
Does the change suck for the viewer of our fan scans? An inconvenience for sure, but not a major one.
Is it something that's easily overcome through a VPN or another aggregator site,
completely free of charge? Definitely.