Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Hebizono-san and the Mirror

Group Leader
Jul 10, 2023
Continuing from the credit page, would a half-Medusa turn you to mud instead of stone? 🤔

Also if Yutaka and Tsumiki have kids (or puppies?), since they'll be even less wolf, I'm willing to bet one of em will be entirely human, but just with huge feet :meguusmug:

Come to think of it, Medusa + Invisibro is such a good side pairing. The girl who can't look people in the eye, and the guy who can't be seen.
Group Leader
Apr 30, 2023
mudusa wearing glasses? woah! just like in fate/stay night: heaven's feel where she wore special glasses to stop her mystic eyes of petrification! wow! i love fate series!

jokes aside that was a nice chapter, gonna be a side couple?? please??????

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