Ogre no Aniki to Dorei-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 31 - Ogre and Marianne

Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2023
Well.. wasn't expecting the mother to be really vicious. Also I don't get what the king did exactly to her... Unless... I think in the end I don't want to know.
On page 7 one of the crimes the royal family was said to have committed was incest. On page 8 you can see Titania is being tortured whilst her captors are saying threatening statements and leading questions. "You got called to the King's room once, right?", "The Queen must have laughed at that too", "If you don't talk the whip will make you talk".

I don't doubt the stories that her mother was a vicious monster slayer and not a good ruler despite being the "hero of humanity" but I wouldn't be surprised if the royal family's crimes were also embellished by the coup. History is written by the victors, and the revolution won against the royal family. The revolutionaries wanted information that they could use as evidence against her mother and father and didn't care if it was factual or made up as long she acquiesced. In the end it doesn't actually matter if Dad/ King did do anything to her or not. If it's true then she suffered from child abuse even before the torture. If it's false then she is suffering from the guilt of betraying her family (even though it's not really a betrayal since she was literally being tortured).

Titania doesn't deserve to be hated by everyone for the sins of her parents. Gadis has acted more kindly to her as a "monster" than any human has since coup took place.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
yeah, to an extent I'd be critical of the accusations these people make, because ultimately Titania is at this point a slave who was left in the woods with the goal of being torn apart by Gadis the Red Eye as karmic punishment in her mother's stead.

Like I can certainly believe that her mother wasn't a good ruler or even just overzealous in her desire to hunt all monsters to extinction, but also not for nothing she was a peasant who got given a noble title for her accomplishments in war. In addition to that this is still very much a world in which humans commit to slavery and literally tell themselves that slaves have to exist because enslaved people are just inferior to the degree where they couldn't live if they don't have a master to keep them in line.

This is a very hierarchical world, one where Titania's mother would have by many if not all nobles been seen as forgetting her place because she wasn't born as one of the "inherently" better people and just someone normal who happened to get lucky. And like that means that regardless of what she actually did, her enemies the ones who now have control of the kingdom (and who are also not good people) would most certainly have wanted her gone regardless.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I'm not even sure what argument masked dude is trying to make here. Since in the end the new kingdom or whatever is still trying to murder monsters. If they had peacefully arrived at the village to try and negotiate for Titania and say "she is the daughter of your mortal enemy hand her over" that would make a lot more sense. Instead it is "she is the daughter of your mortal enemy, who we killed, but are continuing to do the things you hated her for."
May 18, 2019
And here is a timely reminder: torture is only useful for getting the answers the torturer want. They may not necessarily be the truth.

Given what she's been through it's impressive she can still manage to smile. Would appear she inherited at least some of her mother's strength
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Shows that war heroes don’t always make for good rulers, they require different skill sets.

I mean, war heroes could be adequate, even if they learn much later. Her issue is that she did not have the will to walk away from her bloodthirst and try to be a queen/ruler of her country.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
And here is a timely reminder: torture is only useful for getting the answers the torturer want. They may not necessarily be the truth.

Given what she's been through it's impressive she can still manage to smile. Would appear she inherited at least some of her mother's strength
Seems the reason she doesnt talk it is bc of the torture.
May 18, 2019
Seems the reason she doesnt talk it is bc of the torture.
Completely honest, my potato brain completely missed that she wasn't talking period. Early on I got the impression that it was a language barrier type of thing but it never even clicked the humans have been speaking directly with the ogres and vice versa
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2018
Shows that war heroes don’t always make for good rulers, they require different skill sets.
I believe C.S. Lewis said it best
“If we cannot produce Launcelots, humanity falls into two sections--those who can deal in blood and iron but cannot be
"meek in hall", and those who are "meek in hall" but useless in battle--for the third class, who are both brutal in peace and
cowardly in war, need not here be discussed. When this disassociation of the two halves of Launcelot occurs, history
becomes a horribly simple affair.”
“…The man who combines both characters - the knight - is not a work of nature but of art; of that art which has human beings, instead of canvas or marble, for its medium.”
Jan 27, 2018
basically French Revolution and Marie Antoinette, to remind: Marie Antoinette was innocent, they make up accusations and execute her. If we go there, the Queen was a good person even her war at monsters was made up.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
I expected something heavy but not a bunch of brainded torturing a kid who dont even look 10 for "information".

Marie Antoinette was innocent,
Not only was she innocent, she was a realy good queen and was kind to even the poorest people.
I dont remember exactly, but i think she did things to make the famine of the time more bereable for them.

Revolution are never made by opressed people to liberate themself, they are made by rich people who want to take power. The French and Soviet revolution are good proof of it.
Jan 27, 2018
I expected something heavy but not a bunch of brainded torturing a kid who dont even look 10 for "information".

Not only was she innocent, she was a realy good queen and was kind to even the poorest people.
I dont remember exactly, but i think she did things to make the famine of the time more bereable for them.

Revolution are never made by opressed people to liberate themself, they are made by rich people who want to take power. The French and Soviet revolution are good proof of it.
this, "revolutions" are never made by the people.

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