At the very least, she did catch up on the fact that he was having a social life before and not anymore. he didn'tSeriously, fuck this guy with a cactus. The princess is on thin ice as well for taking what, 2 years to realize that wait a minute, this engaged dude might be spending a little bit too much time ignoring his fiancé Least the rest of the stuco is pretty chill
The ice is thin, but present. She gets leniency for the situation being so ridiculous that most people wouldnt even think it possible without outside stimulusAt the very least, she did catch up on the fact that he was having a social life before and not anymore. he didn't
Thanks for catching that. I'll fix it later today along with the ch. 1 typo.Thanka for the translation.
There's a typo of Keios's name as Keiso in page 33 upper right panel.
Other than that, all is well.
Really like your translation, the sentences flows much better.
If you ignore your partner, you’re at least a bit of a he's not a jerk, he's just clueless workaholic...
Also, it's funny how that pompous lady earlier was trying to show up the protagonist until she realizes how dire the circumstances really are.
If the villainess/antagonist sympathizes with the protagonist, you know the so-called 'love interest' fucked up.
that reminded me of a saying, "even evil have standards".This chapter has one of my favorite part of this manga. Lobelia tried to bully her a bit but then then running away crying after learning how bad her situation was, was just... Top tier comedy writing and trope subversion. And the consequence from this as well. Love it.