What's the sake got to do with my comment? I think you completely misunderstood me. I'm not talking about his opinions about sake being better. It's what he said about the chablis specifically that I was referring to.
Yamaoka said he doesn't entirely agree with the saying that "chablis go with oysters", implying that he thinks they
don't match very well
I don't know if you understood the context of what I said, but in Drops of God they had this whole mini arc about it, where a restaurant haphazardly serves chablis with oysters, and the connoisseur who was dining also found issues with it. It was then explained that because there is a wide range of chablis wines, you can't just pair any random chablis wine with oysters. There are certain types of chablis that goes well with oysters, and other kinds that don't.
Therefore, if Yamaoka (or the manga author) has problems with the pairing of oysters and chablis, he might have occasionally gotten a bad match where the chablis served is the wrong kind.
I can't say I'd agree with him, either. I'm teetotal now (have not had a drop of alcohol since 2010... I had a problem), but I can't say Yamaoka is right. Chablis is one of the few wines that actually DOES go well with oysters. Now, I've never had sake (I know this may be shocking, but it's not widely available in small town southwestern Pennsylvania with much regularity), so I assume it probably also goes well with oysters, but I couldn't ever say it was better or worse.
I don't drink wine either myself (don't like the taste of it), so I was just referencing the other manga in fun (see the above explanation).