Okashiratsuki - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Last Mushroom

Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018
If the last couple of pages looked kind of formal and awkward, it was so in Japanese too. They were being very formal with each other, almost like a.... proposal? Oh my...
Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018

Yes, 1 more. Vol. 4 is probably pretty far away, like maybe not until this Fall... And that's the final volume.

The last chapter of vol. 3 brings further solidification of Nachi and Utsumi's relationship and a small cliffhanger.


Thanks! There was no real note to add, but their last exchange was something I wanted to point out. Also, Utsumi's choice of school was deliberately ambiguous in this chapter. I think you can find the clue in the first chapter...
May 10, 2019
Thank for your the new chapter! I'm a huge fan of Yumeka Sumomo/Sahara Mizu. They are so sweet together :)
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
They are just too precious ;-; uhhh ♡

Also looked at the comment section to find the TLnote haha 😂😂 Thank you PaulBunyan!
Jan 29, 2019
Hm... saves your life, decide not to like him because of something a little abnormal.

Shallow friends there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Ah it's been so long I forgot about her other friends.
Dang I didn't even think about that when I read it. Pretty shitty friends indeed.
Active member
Jul 12, 2018
@xsweetmex I don't think that's necessarily it. It sucks, but it's human nature to be wary of things that aren't normal. If I met my friend's boyfriend and he was strange or different in a way that could make his life difficult, I would be worried for my friend's future--not because I think his differences make him less worthy, but because his burden will become my friend's burden. Personally, I would support my friend's choice regardless unless I really feel like she isn't able to handle it, but I can't really fault her friends for voicing their reservations from the get-go.
Jan 29, 2019
@cillbosby right?! Who on earth looks past the heart and kindness of someone willing to risk their own life for someone n say...bruh life might be a bit hard u know.

@rellea I get that, but as I mentioned to cillbosby, you may find someone who has the correct body of what society expects but, would he be willing to risk his life for you? Pig tail or none, society can lick my toes if you think she should dump someone who risked his life for theirs just because others might not be happy with him, don't date him then, leave him to her lol
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
i still get taken back whenever someone new discovers his tail and says stuff like this
like, i'm shocked you know, the tail metaphor is so out of place sometimes
it's just a tail
no sane person can write off someone who literally just saved their life because they have a measly tail
idk, it's weird
real people drive 50 on a 65 and eats pizzas with anchovies you know, life can be much weirder than a pig tail
Jan 22, 2019
@ThePaulBunyanTrophy thanks for the chapter! I always look forward to reading your lenghty tl notes, kinda sad there wasn't any. It's okay tho. You did dome top notch work as always anyway!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I'm with @xsweetmex on this. I mean, doesn't mean she can't make up with her friends, but they're in the wrong and they need to give their heads a shake and re-think.
Even if we stipulate that they're not actually prejudiced themselves as such and are just worrying about her maybe having a hard time--I would be ashamed to advise a friend of mine to wimp out and act like a bigot so as not to have bigots give them a hard time. I don't want to see my friends living in fear with the knowledge that they chose cowardice over principle. That's the kind of thing that erodes someone. Some people don't have a lot of principles in the first place--sometimes they're jerks, sometimes it's just not how they think--but if a person does have them and you get them to break them, they'll never like themselves again.
Mar 23, 2019
@elefantine97 me too! I just don't get it.

All of the situations in which people found out about it were kind of forced. He could probably hide that tail from most people his entire life if he was careful enough.

If it was something harder to hide, like a scar on his face or something else that usually makes people really uncomfortable everytime they look at a deformity, it would be easier to understand.

The author wanted to create something that would scare people away, but wasn't brave enough to draw an unattractive character.
Aggregator gang
Dec 27, 2018

The point is, the "difference" had to be something innocuous. It had to be something harmless. Nothing so shocking as a grotesque scar or some kind of disability that make people look on with horror, but something that really affects no one else, and not even the person himself. And before you say that people wouldn't care, plenty of people care GREATLY about something as harmless and innocuous as the amount of skin pigment. And something that is completely made up like nationality. You see, people react unreasonably to differences. And Sahara Mizu is deftly pointing that out. In fact, the story becomes not as effective if the difference is grotesque because then it allows some amount of excuse for people to behave that way.
Apr 27, 2019
I really like this series, but man, whenever there's tail discovery talk everyone just becomes stupid as hell.
Mar 23, 2019
I see your point, and I really love the message the author is trying to convey, but I still can't see people acting to this extreme in real life because of some physical trait that isn't constantly on display.

I do understand why he was bullied throughout his childhood, because kids will be kids, but the adults really baffle me.

Ofc I can see them getting disgusted at a weird kid and even telling their kids to stay away from him, but saying all that crap to his face? Instantly forgetting they're dealing with a child?

Take Nachi's friends for instance. They're not adults yet, but they should have enough common sense as to wait for a better time to talk about such a sensitive topic. But no, they decided to let her know right away what they thought about him, even though he was probably listening to it.

Idk, it just feels too extreme. That oneshot Sahara Mizu wrote about the short, overweight girl and the troubled pretty girl (Watashi to Watashi) was a lot more realistic.

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