"Union is closed?! This is a bad typhoon."
Okay, so it's the Japanese version of Waffle House. Except that Waffle House doesn't close even if the power is out (they just have reduced menu, and their grills are powered by propane so they can still cook and make coffee and whatnot).
But, yes, if you live in the south or elsewhere and the Waffle House is closed, something is drastically fucking wrong. Waffle House literally has their shit better together than FEMA at times. They have a disaster response HQ that helps before a storm hits and after with getting supplies and people there. They actually take volunteer workers that are like elite and seasoned workers and bring them in to substitute for the local workers. Because they want their local staff to be home with their families.
Likely, literally, they do disaster response and help get people fed better than some governments and relief organizations.