@criver it's easier to lose fat if you have more muscle mass. This is why the goal of losing "weight" is stupid. (The lack of agreement between her height, weight, and BMI still makes me mad for some reason)
@Tarage You realize you're saying this in a gag manga about huge boobs.
@AMetroid The problem is his dicks are so impossible that it takes me out of the story. Big boobs? Fine. It's not like those are rare in anime. But a fucking 24 inch dick that can somehow mold material around it? Fuck that.
Strength training is one of the least effective methods to lose weight and train endurance. She would have long lost the weight she wants to on a decent diet + cardio program, compared to training years to gain muscle mass to burn just a few more calories.
@Tikibo Oh, okay. I don't know. The translator translates kinda odd sometimes. I wish those outside the bubble dialog would get translated too, but oh well.