Okusan - Vol. 14 Ch. 93 - Okusan, Charging into Women's Only Meeting

Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Motherfucka, her ass bigger than her head, and her tits are bigger than her ass. Normally that shit is in straight reverse. She the idealization of that plastic ass thiccness. She makes those examples look like chopping boards. She faker than a flat Earth. PG 22 bitch, tell me that is anything but plastic. Idealization of bbw or thiccness, wait for it, my ass. She's the antonym of the golden ratio; she's got no anatomical consistency.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja fake ass poser trying to front now? no one believes your mountain of lies, your deceptive words hell no power in here!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja Someone clearly has never seen real curves, but i should have figured that out long ago, specially if you are comparing Okusan to Nicki Minaj of all people, and even more if you think that all G cups and above are the product of plastic surgery, going twice for denying dat ass.

There were too many clues, i should have figure it out sooner, I must apologize, it turned out that you are just plain ignorant, lost, foolish even, no, most definitely, no doubt, but that doesn't changes the fact that:


Apologize to Okusan and her glorious meat and fat tissue!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018

Damn right I'm comparing her to them, she's faker than all three super glued together. I apologize to no man, nor drawing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja you calling my point an strawman argument is a blatant strawman argument!

You are saying her proportions are fake, and i am telling you they are fucking not! most women at that bra size are plus women like Okusan, tits like those come with belly and ass, and of fucking course they are bigger than their heads, which among other things for this particular drawing is not a lot, i can't believe i am putting out the MS Paint on this, man i need to stop procrastinating.


As seen here yes, her ass and tits are bigger, but not by that much.

Now... do the dogeza in apology to the fictional character!

Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Motherfucka, what kinda women or humans do you know who's heads are actually SMALLER than their boobs or ass even when that shit is big. Do you even ratio, bruh? She ain't thick, she's a fun house mirror. Just look Shia down there, his hands are of similar size to his hips, his face, his ass. He looks like a human. Then looking at Chernobyl above him, ya got none of that shit. Hell. Kim's body looks more real than hers. She belongs in Guinness for world's most disproportionate person.

Look at that shit, now take any fat man and woman, and tell me you could fit 12 hands on their ass or 8 on their boobs.

Bitch, I'll sooner buy a 3D printer, print out a copy of Chernobyl, cut off her head and hands and compare them to the rest of her body side by side with an anatomically correct mannequin.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja nice retcon there, so now it is hands? pff, and they are closed hands too! we are revolutionizing the world of body metrics, luckily for you there exist a boob encyclopedia on the internet, because yes that's a thing


Search any woman above, i don't know, F or G, hell you can even look below those cups, and you will get Okusan, of course some of them are heavier, some are the product of surgical intervention (common sense dictates to ignore those, but who knows if your common sense is functioning with that stunt of closed hands measurement you just did), and a lot are natural and they are like this.

So again, take your pretentious full of shit blind ass out of here, you skinny bitch lover and meat hater.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Retcon, bitch you crazy. Closed hands? Nuh-uh, curl your finger tips and try that shit. You'll still fail to get 12 on those on your ass.

Common sense also dictates I ignore Chernobyl with the fakest body over here. She's as natural as furry suits.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja you know i dare you to find anyone in the history of humanity other than yourself that uses curled fingers as an unit of measurement, you were better sticking to heads even if that failed, at least that had intellectual integrity to it.

So you just gonna ignore the database full of women with big natural tits and asses? really now? you just going to literally look away, not even make an attempt.

The whole point of the link is for you to compare her body to other real women, but this is beyond obstinate, you know there's a material on that page for all kind of arguments, for example a bunch are obese, others are fat, others are chubby, and some somehow don't have much of a belly (probably the result of liposuction), it is a great showcase of body type variety with the common link being big breast.

The point is, remains, and always was, just because reality breaks your assumption doesn't means you should look away and then blame it on the artist and call his drawings unrealistic when there's easy access to information showing otherwise.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Fine, try and take one completely spread out hand for each pair and try an replicate that shit. Two closed hands = one open hand, and that's generous. Good luck. Still ridiculously deformed.

Bitch, if she's natural, nothing is fake. She ain't comparable to real women, she got no anatomical consistency. If PG.22 was how her body was depicted consistently, she'd be overweight and fake, but it ain't, so she just fake.

Reality don't break my assumption, she breaks reality. It damn well is the artist's fault for making her look like an inverted bobble head caricature. Faker than a flat earth.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja an spread out hand is roughly the same size of a face, which i already used as a comparison, so i guess that point is done with.

And i am telling you she does, she is big everywhere, and using her own face as a comparison her breast and ass are just about half a face bigger.

Nope, your vision is skewered, literally the only person here complaining.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Nah boi, I used her head, not her face. A head is a lot bigger than a face.

Nah boi, you seen those hands? The neck? The lower half of the legs? She be Chernobyl.

Nah boi, yours is. You're probably looking through the a fun house lens and that's why she seems normal to you. And yer literally the only one defending.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja her face is the bigger part of her head, with her hair barely occupying any space, the change is minimal.

And now we are talking about her neck? this is incredibly forced, and if her hands are badly drawn (which i don't think they are, but anyway), then why, why even try, why even damn try in the first place to even suggest using them as a unit o measure? closed fingers or otherwise, what would be the point of using badly drawn hands to measure the body proportions of the rest of the drawing even be?

I am done.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
Except a head has far more volume than a face. A head is like a ball, a face is a like a sheet or plank of wood.

Because that shit is so damn small compared to her body. She's disproportionate as fuck, boi. It's badly drawn in that it's an anatomic mess, not that it's objectively 'ugly'. I'm using it because a human body follows a general ratio, a ratio that her body picks and chooses when to follow.

You are done.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Yautja sure... volume... on a 2D drawing.... so you are telling me that we talked this much, for the spam of what is soon to be a week now, and you didn't even knew the basis behind the idea of head counting to draw body proportions?


And still you have the nerve to go and talk shit about the drawings of someone else? without even knowing that? head counting to draw body proportions, requires, demands that the head is used as a sheet of plank wood.

Also the ratio that the human body follows is not strict, there's no such thing as a golden ratio for the human body, that's just an idealization if not a fetish, that among other things changes with the culture, for the Greeks women had small breast and a modest hip, but for the Europeans of the 1700 - 1800 women had to have wide hips and medium sized breast, with an extreme thin waist line, however on the 70s women had to be extremely thin with no ass whatsoever, and from the late 80s that changed to more curvaceous aesthetic which made the business of plastic surgery boom, and nowadays we are on the era of Thicc, but that's a discussion to have with someone that should understand at least the basics and you are clearly not there, that ratio of yours is all in your head.

BTW just to inform you, at this point it is more like educate you, making the neck or legs longer to accommodate her breast would actually make her look odd, instead to keep her proportionate they should be drawn wider, which they are, about half a head (horizontal) wider, and that measurement is not made with the volume of a head, it is made with the exact same "sheet of plank wood"


And while i am at it, her neck is measured within the first half of her chest, so that is one head, however since she has big breast it is completely fine to stick half a head more in her chest, that half a head extra (vertical) would go on the second half of her chest because breast drop, however she is wearing a bra, so her breast instead of going lower should stack and come upfront, that is half a head horizontally, which is what is already being done, more over she is supposed to be fat, so that is bound to increase her size even more.

So... holly fucking shit man, what the fuck does volume has to do with this at all?! this is baffling, how can you get even worse than closed hands measurement? now i am curios to read what other bullshit you pull off, this is gold, no wonder you were using the "badly" drawn hands as a measurement unit.

Oh i forgot, yes, hands are also measured in heads


Which is why i said:
her face is the bigger part of her head, with her hair barely occupying any space, the change is minimal.

I have to confess you have me hooked on this, i was sure we had reached peak nonsense yesterday so i was convinced that there was nothing much here to see, i was sure this was pretty much done with, but man, this is almost next level.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 23, 2018
And volume is why I said she doesn't look like a real person. Turn her into 3D and she'd look like even more of a monster. The parts of her body I mentioned are far too thin in comparison to the rest which doesn't just look "thick" or plain overweight but inhuman, especially in 3D, which is exactly what I mentioned the famous train wrecks that I did.

I didn't say there is a strict ratio, but a general ratio that she blows past.

Those three pictures really seem to be going against your arguments that she isn't a disproportionate monster, especially the first one. You're getting angry that I used other parts of her body as measurements, or mentioned what she'd look like in 3D and I keep telling you, that's because the body follows a general ratio and she'd look like a monster as a real person, let alone a drawing. It's a specific measurement that is perfect for her.

I thought you were joking, but good lord are you getting defensive over this.

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