Iod @
It's not precisely new, but yes basically the goal is to protect yourself from any possible claim of sexual harassment. Never be alone with a female coworker. Never be alone with a student, if you're a teacher. Never make jokes that could ever possibly have any innuendo.
I am speaking from experience, both my own, people that I've read about in the media, other coworkers, etc.
It only takes an allegation, true or not, to end your career. And even if you've followed all the 'rules' precisely about never putting yourself in that kind of situation, it can still happen. It happened to me. But even something a stupid as a blonde joke can get you fired these days.
The goal is to make sure nothing you say or do could be open to any possible interpretation by others. Leave your personal life at home, don't mix it with work, etc. It's really fucking sad that it's come to that, but look, if you've graduated from college and are working your first professional career for, say, 5 years.. and then allegation of sexual harassment falls on your head, you will be immediately fired. And then what? You're totally fucked. You can't use that job as a reference. You can't use that job for professional contacts. When they contact your old job, it will become known that you are not eligible to be hired back -- and some HR people are going to spill the beans about why (even if that's not legal). And if not HR, they may contact coworkers or supervisors who aren't under those obligations.
Before you come back with "Well I dated a coworker and it was just fine" or whatever, I understand that it can be done, that people do it, and that many people don't have these issues. But some do. It's a significant portion. And if you're accused, *no one* is going to believe you when you say you're innocent, especially in today's political atmosphere. It's especially important if you're in certain fields, like education. One allegation, no matter how untrue, would make that entire degree worthless -- you'd never work in a school again.
If you really want to date someone, put in your two weeks notice and then ask them out.